6/15/13: What a Day It Was!

Day 2,035, 00:40 Published in USA USA by Donovan Zoi

I've been back to eUSA for less than two weeks and it appears that I made it back just in time for the largest eUSA news day in quite some time.

You'd have to had been around for much less than that to not be aware of the stakes involved in this weekends developments. In the military theatre, the word "wipe" had re-entered the American lexicon as a distinct possibility for the first time in ages as members of enemy alliance TWO began to line up against us one by one.. In the political realm, there was a concerted effort on our part to finally turn back months of encroachment from PTO groups led by Ronald Gipper Reagan (RGR, or Ajay, for short) but this would be no stealth recovery. In article after article, it was made perfectly clear that stewy intended to be the new Party President of the AFA.

In anticipation I stayed up until reset and was not entirely surprised to see some major activity beginning to unfol😛

00:10 AM eRep time:

In only 10 minutes, stewy had taken an astonishing 62-17 lead against RGR in the AFA race, while the other four T5 races had yet to take flight.

eUSA was also declared upon by three enemies at once: Serbia, Hungary and Thailand. Thailand's role was notable because they would be launching an expensive airstrike straight into the heart of Texas.

The stage had been set, but there was not much to see so early in the proceedings. So I moved to AFA, placed my vote for stewy along with the others, and decided to call it a night.

Had our mission been called American Democracy Reconnaissance, this would've been one hell of a Captcha.

7:00 AM eRep time

I woke to find that stewy had taken a commanding lead for the AFA while the AMP race between John Killah and Free Area was still too close for my comfort. The other three races looked to be uncontested but I still wanted to investigate further to see if RGR had any other tricks up his sleeve.

I noticed a couple of mild head turners in the USWP race, but one name stuck out like a sore thumb to WTP race. Looking at the profile of serbianscorpion (go ahead, check it out), I found an eUSA resident (since Day 1619)that had never fought once for eUSA while causing major damage for Serbia.

This was my chance to make a difference in being involved, I thought, and headed immediately over to #voting to tell of my findings. Rather then post anything in the main chatroom I decided to ping Kody5, who I had spoken with the night before regarding the early vote surge for stewy. He responded to me within a minute and you can see in the transcript below that he was already on top of this.

Kody5 was right not to answer that last question. After all, who am I but someone that had been back for 10 days?

I then got some war updates was a bit dismayed at what I saw: we were trailing heavily in all three campaigns, although we finally determined to set our sights on keeping Thailand out of Texas.

How much worse could it get? Poland and UK were also following up with Natural Enemy votes. I also learned later that Montenegro was voting on airstrike on us as well, bring the total possible attacks to six. I decided it would be best to quit asking myself things.

Apparently. even eRep could no longer bear to look....

5:30pm eRep time

After some needed time away, I came back to check on the WTP election to find that my hunch about serbianscorpion had begun to bear fruit.

Had this been a movie, this would be the part where the protagonist frantically scrambles to get vital information to the only people that can help. Add to that the dramatic time element as my wife and I had just ordered carry out and I was supposed to leave in five minutes to pick it up. Oh, and I haven't told her I started playing eRep again.

The phone rings, it's her mother. Now is my chance! I stealthily glide downstairs and join #voting where Kody5 will be anxiously awaiting my arrival.....

Except he's not. Anxious, that is. Responds in less than a minute, cool as a cucumber yet completely cordial to my unsolicited second-guessing of the job he was charged to do. And as before, he's already on the case. Hale26's vote numbers would increase proportionately with the scorpion's for the rest of the night. There look to be happy endings for the other four T5 races as well.

I wanted to think about my experience with Kody5 and how my interactions with him enlightened me as to what can be accomplished if we all knew our role and performed it admirably. And I also wanted to ponder the amount of time spent by the countless others I didn't encounter that gave up a big chunk of their weekend fielding emails, posting shouts, enduring know-it-alls like me. But I'll do that in the car, or else our food's gonna get cold. I close my chat, forgetting the screenshot to close this story arc properly, and head back up the stairs.

"Where were you?" I'm asked.

"Just making sure the basement lights were off before I go." I replied, grabbing my keys.

We ended up losing all 3 wars pretty badly on Saturday, and are likely to be hit even harder today. As of this article, 3 new wars have already begun. Hopefully we will take what we learned repelling the internal threat from our enemies, so that we can apply that to maintaining our sovereignty from external threats as well.

I'll leave you with two pictures that pretty much define the day:

BREAKING WARS: Serbia: N. Carolina to Tennessee; Thailan😛 Texas to Louisiana, Polan😛 joining in at Maryland.

And now, your moment of Zen: