5th Presidential Address - Natural Enemy With Aus

Day 1,744, 08:31 Published in New Zealand USA by Strandloper

Kia Ora eKiwis

As some of you who are congressman will have noticed, I started a Natural Enemy with our Neighbours Australia, with them starting one on us shortly thereafter.

This is not a breach of the peace agreement Myself and the Australian CP signed at the beginning of my term.

In the past week Binda (Aus CP) and myself have been in discussions for a landswap agreement which would benefit both our nations.

This was settled a few hours ago, which is when we both started the natural enemy process.

Now you are probably wondering what is being swapped and what our nation is getting out of it.

We are exchanging 3 of our regions namely:

- Auckland
- Wellington
- Canterbury

In exchange we are receiving from Australia:

- Tasmania
- South Australia
- Western Australia

Once the exchange is completed we will have 4 resources instead of the 3 we currently have:


This means you will get more productivity from your weapons factories. Plus will be able to fight in training rw's for the True Patriot Medal, and also for Australia for the flag for your mercenary medal.

We have the initiative and will attack Australia on Friday during our prime time in Tasmania.

Then we will lose the next one and they will attack and take canterbury, then lose and so we go on until all regions have been successefully swapped, by which time we will be able to start the peace signing process to end the Natural Enemy of each nation.

I am asking all eKiwis to follow orders and not try to win battles we are meant to lose. If this happens this swap will be stopped and a training war happen until the natural enemy can be closed.

Follow the MoD orders which will be published or come onto IRC on the rizon server #nzarmy to find out whats happening.

Have fun eKiwis and remember this is not real war.

This Is War