5n4keyes Presidential Manifesto

Day 981, 15:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

I had planned to have this out a few days ago, however, the last few days have kinda been what some would regard as hell. So I sat down, and soon realised, being president now, and not officially elected as such, and then trying to make a manifesto for what I want to do in August, when im president currently, quite simply seamed INSANE!

So, Insted of being a this is what ill do in August, this is what I want to continue and happen if im re-elected or is it elected... confusing times!

I want to identify the key issues with Ireland, asside from the whole potential invasion thing, and continue to work on them, the issues I feel are important fall into the following points.

- Ireland Economically isnt stable, I want to continue to ensure that all workers are able to find work, that products are affordable, and that citizens are able to buy any products they need.

- I want to revive the private sector, firstly by providing jobs via the state companies, this will allow the private sector time to revive, and become active again. I want to focus on the issues as to why people arent running there companies, push for people to upgrade, and correctly ballance there CP's so that there products are the best they can be. By providing information, Loans, buying products that wont sell so people can upgrade, etc.

- I want to really push forward with the IDF, IDF has come a long way, but the war has shown us how we can improve, I want to help improve the backend management of the IDF, aswell as the communication and planning structure! I also want to look at new and easier ways we can communicate in battle, and most importantly, look at ways in which we can upgrade the quality of our weapons, and keep high levels of stock incase of war.

- I want to bring back some of our lost souls, but bring in new citizens, if you have read my mails recently, you will know I want to encourage a baby boom, offer incentives for those who bring people to Ireland, have rewards for those who bring the most, and really build on our citizen base. We lost alot of people because of a lack of understanding of v2, alot of misinformation, a lack of help, jobs and education, all will be improved.

- Last point, education, we need to teach people fully about the war module, work out new ways of fighting, new ways of making use of the features, even I am still working, the important thing is that we share the information around, and really educate. Geting into eRepublik has a horrible learning curve, I plan to really educate and hopefully retain more people!

These are my key points, but not the only thing to focus on, I feel Ireland needs a month of revival, infact August should be the month of Ireland Rising! and I fully beleive we can do it!

Obviously tho, beyond any kinda of manifesto, you guys have a strange advantage, a try before you buy so to speak, in that you will get to see what I can do, and how I work over the next week before the elections, In a way its the dream ticket, however under the current climate im not so sure, the last few days, and the weeks to come will undoubtably be the hardest job for any president ever to of sat in this char in Ireland... Ever!

So, hopefully, assuming I havent somehow wiped out Ireland, I look forward to voting day, and hope that quite a few votes come my way!
