500 Days of J. Robert Calder

Day 1,600, 07:59 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

On day 1600 The Crimson Order celebrates its commander’s 500th day as its leader.

To celebrate this day The Crimson Canucks will be throwing an IRC tank party for Crimson members that venture onto #crimson IRC channel in his honour. Supply of party tanks may vary depending on distributor attendance but a safe bet is to show up in the evening.

On day 1100 J. Robert Calder took the Crimson helm and has led us ever since.

With a calm, sensible and a quiet demeanor Commander Calder has taken The Crimson Order through some tough times and some great times. While not an over bombastic front man of the unit his resolve and logical leadership has tempered a militia that sometimes finds itself in the eCanadian bad books but always steers us to the fight when it is most needed.

TCO: New Roll for a Native Son<---Click Me Day 1100

While this man bleeds Crimson you don’t have to be a Crimson member to salute his service to eCanada.

Please join The Crimson Order in thanking J.Robert Calder below in the comments section or spam him with PM’s of undying love.

J. Robert Calder<---Click Me

O7 Mr. Calder