5 reasons why Clone Wars is badass

Day 2,085, 02:59 Published in Chile Slovenia by cen1
1. Mace Windu will destroy your droid army with his bare hands and after that he will fuck you up too

I don't need bullets LOL

PS: His death in the movies was bullshit and we all know it

2. Clones are actually usefull and can kill the shit out of droids

Gesture commands, HOLY MOTHER OF BADASS

Captain Fordo has enough of your shit!

3. General Grievous can take 5 Jedi by himself because FUCK YOU

4. Attack on the Coruscant

Yoda laughs at your space ships



Windu to the rescue!

5. Shaak Ti

She can't be bothered by your stupidity

Because FUCK YOU that's why!