5 Reasons to Join SLP

Day 2,123, 08:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

I don't normally write persuasive articles... but when I do they are persuasive. That's not one of the 5 main reasons to join the Social Liberal Party, so look below if you are looking for reasons to join our awesome party.

1. Our Amazing Experience
jny123, a 3 time Congressman in 2 different countries. Sir Earl Sofiane Richa, a 3 time PP president and 3 time MoFA ambassador. Shadowist, a 2nd Commander of his MU, previous Congressman and 2 time MoFA Ambassador. There are many more(including my very, very long list) in our party with lots of experience. We have had people who had roles in MoH, MoHA, MoFA, MoE and Congress. For a small party, we have a lot of players with experience meaning we can focus of giving our younger players the knowledge we have. We can give you 1-on-1 talks or advice to improve your political career.

2. Multicultural
In both real life and eRepublik. One member of our party is from France and is trying to learn English. Another member of our party is a Serbian. My memory does go, but I'm sure we have more players who don't live in the UK in real life. If you want to learn about other cultures in the world, and mix with them, we are a good party for that. Similarly, a lot of our players have been to other eCountries so I guess that is only a bonus.

3. That Feeling When You Have Power
Do you know what I mean? Of course you don't because your not in a small party. The experience of being PP in any party is similar if you take it seriously, same for any other party role. Based on maths alone, you have a better chance of getting those roles in our party than if you were in a large party. After all, when is maths wrong? Our party has more roles then the ones you see on our party page, so join and find out how you can get involved.

4. Social and Fun
Yay, jny123 is still sorting out the games for the next term, but we will get there. Xbox, Steam and flash games are all on the menu at the moment as well as competitions in eRepublik. You don't want to miss out so get into our party now. Maybe you even want to help out in the organisation of our games, and if so, get in because we are always looking for help.

5. Because We Want You
I've spoken to almost everyone that has joined the party, I hope that continues even if the party grows to 200 members. We always want new members who want to get involved. I would rather have you join(since your reading this I guess you actually play the game) than 5 new players who will quit when they log off. We want quality not quantity, and the quality of our members is people who want to get involved, so join now!

If you have now been persuaded to join, click this link and join the party. If this article hasn't persuaded you, I guess you need to read it again until it does.
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 12th of September 2013. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.