4 More Years!

Day 1,270, 13:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mini Munch

Yes its the Party President elections and time for the boring and tedious articles about why you should vote for someone.

Well I was thinking to myself that as I would like to run the UKWP for another term I should release an article of my own and here it is. The real question is do I do a boring manifesto like everyone else. The simple answer is NO.

If this guy could get in twice I should have no trouble getting back in.

But in all serious I hope that UKWP see all the amazing things I did for the party this term and decide to vote for me. If you don’t know what I have done this term then where the hell of you been, but really UKWP was once a hated party hence the PTO and I would like to think with all my work that I have made this party more respected. I have also done lots of other stuff blah blah blah Forum, blah blah blah Congress, blah blah blah Top 5 in under 48hours, blah blah.

You daily intake of tigers is now met.

Some things I would like to do next term if I get re-elected.
I want to shake up the current heads of UKWP and add some new faces. Some of those new faces are not so new in the community such as Oric as Head Troll 😃
We have already given the party a facelift and with a few more things in the works we will soon have the levels of EPIC manliness that we require.

Vote me and vote for a Tiger

Mini Munch UKWP PP