4 Goals for the Nation: My Campaign for President

Day 457, 19:11 Published in Thailand Austria by Jeff Hamilton

To the People of Thailand!

I am Jeff Hamilton, 3-month resident of Thailand and the candidate for President of Thailand on the Nationalist Party ticket.

Thailand has suffered greatly over the many months of its existence, from being nearly bankrupted by its self-proclaimed Emperor to suffering a major crisis of confidence in the government with the recent Indonesian War Games scandal. These events have tested the mettle of the nation in more ways than one, and it is in response to these that I have decided to run for President of the Nation of Thailand.

However, despite all of the problems that we have been facing, there are solutions. Thailand can and will become a major power; all we need is the willpower and the drive to make it happen. The way to do it is through aspiring to the 4 Goals for the Nation.

1: The expansion of the active population of Thailand by between 50 and 100 people. Thailand's greatest problem in this day and age is its appalling lack of population, which is slowly starving our industries of profit and materials. To counter this, we need rapid expansion of Thailand's population, and the best way to do this is through expanding and increasing funding for the Thai Recruitment Plan.

2: The selling of our Government Defense Company, and the subsequent moving of the profit gained from this sale into the Thai Recruitment Program. The influx of gold gained from this sale would provide the basis for funding of Thailand's programs for a long time to come.

3: The immediate lowering of all taxes to the bare minimum level of taxation. Although this itself will not affect prices much at all, it provides a clear incentive for people to move here and gives people a major reason to reinvest the money into the Thai markets.

4: The immediate petition for membership in the PEACE Global Community. Although Thailand is a great nation, with others it could be even greater. Joining PEACE would secure our southern border with Indonesia with impunity, and allow us greater security through collective security.

For Thailand!