4. Further reading

Day 565, 16:22 Published in Australia Australia by The Old Oak
4. Further reading

i- wiki
ii- sources

i- wiki

There are few articles about journalism but here are some from the wiki that might be useful. Just to remind you, the eRepublik wiki is like an eRepublik library maintained by eCitizens all over the world. There is one article about newspapers in general and one about writting and article

ii- sources

Sources of information change often and depend on what country you're in, etc. The most reliable ones will by the eRepublik Insider, the eRepublik forums (good luck there 😉 as well as your country's forum, IRC channel and country stats page. You can also send messages to members of your government. If you're not sure, try contacting your local congressman, it should give them something to do.

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