35th Congressional Peer Review

Day 1,100, 12:51 Published in USA USA by eUSA Congress

Dearest America,

With our Speaker of the House inactive, I am writing as your current Deputy Speaker of the House, Haliman. SGGHays and I have been tabulating the rankings for the past few days, and have finally finished!

"For those of you who aren't aware what the Congressional Peer Review is, it is simple. Each active member of Congress for the Term is given a survey where they rank their fellow members on a scale of 1-5 (with 1 Being Very Poor and 5 Being Very Well). They are also asked if they would like to see each Individual Congressperson be elected in the future. Lastly, they are asked who they feel was the Congressional MVP (most valuable player) in the Term. All the scores are then tallied and then averaged and you find the results below."

This is the second month we have brought back rankings, and are looking forward to keeping this a monthly tradition!

I was ranked highest this month. Thanks everyone! Really appreciate it 🙂

I'd like to point out that 80% of congress scored above average. That's amazing! We had some big shoes to fill last month, but we did it. 76% of congressmen got above average last month, which is superb!

Congressmen also voted on who they think should be the Congressional MVP this month.

Haliman - 8

SGGHays - 3

Pearlswine - 3

Ligtreb - 2

S3RO - 2

Jasper Signa - 2

Syrup - 1

CRoy - 1

Athanaric - 1

Max Wallingbottom - 1

Thank you for making me your MVP, congress! Looking forward to another term next month 🙂

I have had a great time serving in congress these last two months because of how great they have been.

Great work this month, even with the technical difficulties. I look forward to seeing most of you again next month (hopefully!).
