3. Some general tips

Day 565, 15:59 Published in Australia Australia by The Old Oak
3. Some general tips

You have to decide why you're the editor of a newspaper. Is it to share your opinion and get others in return? Or is it to remind the government that they need to change some things? Or do you just want to hit 1,000 subscriber?

If you are after votes, usually you have to either publish good quality articles that are useful to the public - or funny ones. I would, personally advise you not to resort to personal attacks as you will get a ban for them. Unless you can write in a satirical manner and offer new ideas, complaining or ranting isn't too enjoyed.

Also, poor grammar, spelling as well as spam usually annoy people more than anything, so I advise you to stay away from them.

Economic, politic or military oriented newspapers usually interest a large portion of the population. More than in any other branch of eRepublik, in journalism, your imagination is the only limit. So go out there and interest people. Don't be scared to innovate!

You should know there are some rules, that apply to everyone and in particular to newspaper editors. If you use common sense, you will not get into any problem. You can read the rules here.

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