3 Easy Steps to Listen to the Global News of Australia

Day 2,651, 10:16 Published in Australia Australia by Merovingiano

Hello fellow eAustralians,

Do you ever get bored of listening to same old media feed? Check out the global news in 3 easy steps.

1. Enter erepublik "australia" into Google.

2. Click the Search Tools button

3. Set the time to Past 24 Hours

You can dig up great global reports like: this and this

Stay alert fellow citizens!

For the glory of eAustralia and all of her friends!

Vote for me in the coming Congressional Election
The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and as always may eAustralia prosper,

Citizen and dMoEE of eAustralia