3. Contracts

Day 569, 13:05 Published in Australia Australia by The Old Oak
3. Contracts

In eRepublik, contracts are a way to ensure that two or more parties that have found an agreement stay true to their word. There is a standard procedure to follow when writing a contract.

First, go to the Contract forum. That is where you will post your contract. You can sign the contract in your name or to represent any other eRepublik structure you lead. Once you have posted the contract, the other party or parties then post a message containing "I agree with the contract terms", followed by the contract terms.

Only citizens can sign contracts, ie no organisations or governments.

If a contract is breached, it can be taken to trial. The initiator of the trial will pay 5 gold. If his claim is verified, he will get his 5 gold back, on top of what the contract stipulates.

To learn more about contracts, read this post.

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