2nd try

Day 2,314, 10:45 Published in Russia Greece by TheDpsLTU

Sorry I don't speak Russian. 🙁

Hello Russia!

If you do not remember me, I am a traveler around the world. I was visited the Russia a few months ago, you can see it here. Now I have return to Russia for a longer period of time to rest from Lithuania. I chose Russia as the temporary home of the two countries - Indonesia and Russia. Both countries have their pluses, though Indonesia has Jelly troops, but Russia was already adopted me before, and I got myself a military unit so I chose Russia.

However, I do not support the real-life events in the Crimea, but I do not think it is a matter of Lithuania, as long as it is not directly touching Lithuania (Except the Russian press and the President of the accusations, and threats against to Lithuania), I do not promise to fight for it.

So I think that, at least in the game Lithuania and Russia will cooperate against a common enemy, and I would meet some great people in Russia.

Hail Lithuania!
Hail Russia!