2nd eAsia Song Festival:Organizational meeting. 제2회 e아시아 송 페스티벌: 준비모임

Day 2,196, 00:40 Published in South Korea Indonesia by PHsteelers

2nd eAsia Song Festival😮rganizational meeting.
제2회 e아시아 송 페스티벌: 준비모임

To encourage music&culture sharing among Asian countries, I'm planning to run eAsia Song Festival.
아시아 국가간의 문화,음악교류를 도모하고자, e아시아 송 페스티벌을 개최하고자 합니다.

We hope this event to be held monthly.
아송페를 매월 열리는 정기행사로 정착시키고자 합니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

Rules and how to 규칙
1. One song - One country. 참가국당 1곡씩.

Each country will choose one song for the festival.
참가국당 1곡씩을 선택해서 참가합니다.

1-1. Song in own national language(s) or performed by singer(s) from the country.
*If you have more than one languages in your country, any of them is ok.
참가곡은 해당국가의 언어로 된 노래여야합니다.
1-2. It should be a youtube video.
참가곡은 유튜브 비디오로만 받습니다.
1-3. Youtube video link is fine but we prefer to have English subtitle/newspaper on the song.
링크만 제출하셔도 좋습니다만, 노래에 관한 신문기사를 써주시면 더 좋습니다.
1-4. Unlike the previous event, we will have a theme for this event. Please share your thoughts on the theme. Representatives will discuss/decide the theme.
이번 페스티벌에서는 경연주제를 선정, 노래를 선택할 예정입니다. 마음에 드는 경연 주제가 있으시면 댓글 달아주세요.

For example,
The song released this month
The song from 1990s
Dance music/Rock
Music from Movie
and so on..

The topic for the 2nd event is Song released this winter(Any song after Oct, 2013)

2. Vote 투표.
Any eRepublik player can vote for the song.
투표는 이리퍼블릭 유저라면 누구나 참여할 수 있습니다.

Each song in the entry will have a comment for vote in the Festival newspaper. Players will vote the comment for the song (s)he likes. For details, please check the newspaper on how to vote below.
페스티벌 신문이 발행되고, 일정기간 동안 각 참가곡에 해당하는 댓글에 투표하시면 됩니다.

How to vote:
투표하는 방법:

3. Representatives for each country 각국 대표단(To be updated)
We need one or two representatives for each countries. Representatives should advertise the song festival and talk to the people from the country to submit the song for the festival.
참가국 별로 대표단을 모집하고 있습니다. 대표단은 송 페스티벌을 홍보하고, 해당국가 유저분들과 상의하여, 참가곡을 제출하시면 됩니다.

Representative should be appointed by CP.

Please send me PM(mail) to be a representative or talk to your CP/MoFA.
대표단이 되고 싶으시면 메일을 보내주세요.

China: turturica
India: GouthamKrishnan,Ashwamedh
Indonesia: WarankZ
Iran: White.Owl
Israel:John TG
Japan: DankChronic
Malaysia: Panglima Melayu
North Korea

Pakistan: Sparkfyre
Philippines: Boy Pick Up, Vincenzo Roque
Republic of China (Taiwan):RixTWN
Russia: Avers II
Saudi Arabia: hazem95

South Korea: Park Ju Chan
Thailan😛 Mystela
Turkey: purebending
United Arab Emirates: EL FAT BANDIDO AFK

*We didn't invite non-Asian country yet but one place is open to the nonAsian country that want to participate in the contest. eAsia song festival is open to at most one non-Asian country(with 1000cc donation for prize money). Please talk to me if you are interested.

*Representatives will also decide contest details,for example, Prize/schedules etc.

4. Timeline 일정(To be updated/subject to change)
-by Dec 15: We finalize the participating countries.
-by Dec 20: Each representatives decide a song to submit(via local contest)& write out newspaper on song
-Dec 25-31: General vote for the winner.
*Pacific time.

5. Prize & Support 상금(To be updated)
We have some prize money from previous event. It will be great if you donate for this event.

Please share your idea on how to distribute them.

Miracle from Indonesia: 10 gold
Mystela from Thailan😛 3 gold
Prize money from previous event:
3250 cc
40 Q1 weapons,50 Q7 tanks
400 Q1 Food, 550 Q5 Food
13 Gold

This event is supported by
MoFA of eSouth Korea
*Let me know if your gov support this event.

6. Other
*Let me know if you write out newspaper(advertisement,local contest etc) about this event. I'll post it here.
*2nd eAsia Song Festival:Korean Contest한국예선.
Final Festival:
*Chinese translation:

*Ideas and suggestions are welcomed.

1st eAsia Song Festival.

1st Organizing meeting and Rules:

1st eAsia Song Festival Final

How to Vote:투표하는 방법

1st eAsia Song Festival playlist:

1st eAsia Song Festival Result:

1. Why Asia only?
There was eRepvision, a song contest on eWorld. Among the top 15 songs, we had only one song from Asia -Gangnam style. So I thought it's a good idea to run a song contest for Asian songs only because it's not so well known.

Also, people tends to vote for their own countries. So I think if we invite Asian countries only to the song festival, the players from other countries could be judges in some sense.

2nd eAsia Song Festival😮rganizational meeting.