[Fhaemita 4 CP] The Manifesto

Day 2,901, 01:12 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Fhaemita The Apostate

Citizens of eBelgium,

As you known from my previous two articles I am running for president of eBelgium. As of now I have received the support of almost all the other 7 parties in eBelgium with the exception of The Belgium Dream who are still considering if they want to run their own candidate or if they want to support a candidate of their own. I am happy to see this overwhelming support for my presidency even by oppositions parties with whom I have not seen eye to eye with.

As for the manifest for next month, I am hoping mostly for a quiet month in which we do not have air strike, revolutions and military takeover attempts. In foreign affairs there are a couple of things happen, plans and what is happening there I will explain further in my article.

Foreign Affairs

Last months we've were invited in an pro Asteria alliance that included Netherlands and some other countries but we decided to decline that invite due to bad experience with a lot of Asteria countries who have airstriked us as a jumping board to wherever they needed to go. The only solution for eBelgium was basically being anti Asteria and we have found allies in our fight against Asteria countries, we have allied with countries like eUK, Spain and Ireland and have made a semi official alliance. This alliance if soon to be made official as soon as the charter is ratified by all the countries that are involved and eBelgium will be in an official alliance. I think it's important for eBelgium to show where they stand and that they will not take the easy way out and be pro Asteria because they is easier. This month the alliance and the allies in our alliance will be the main focus in our foreign affairs.

Ministry of Defense

As said in previous paragraph we'll hopefully be in an alliance this means that it is important for the Ministry of Defense to coordinate with our allies where our help is needed and possible in the future if needed ask for help if we are in trouble. Orders need to be posted daily to inform people where to fight and to help our allies as much as possible.

I also would like to see if we can merge some of the military units in eBelgium. Currently we have 9 military unit which is way too much for a country of our size and with the number of active soldiers that we have. If we can consolidate people in less military units then we have now that would be a good thing. Ofcourse there will need to be a incentive because people are attached to their MU's but most of the MU's barely do any damage. This is one of the projects the Ministry of Defense will be working on.

Ministry of Citizens Affairs

The Ministry of Citizens Affairs is a new ministry which is basically a combination of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Education, Minister of National Security and Ministry of Fun and Media. All these ministries were too small in my opinion to be separate ministries and that is why I have merged these together.

Main goal of the new ministry of Citizens Affairs will be activity, I am hoping for some fun and activity in the media, keep eBelgium safe and check new citizens for multies and those who are not multies educate them about how the game works and how much fun this game is.

Ministry of Finance

Well basically the Ministry of Finance will be doing what it has always been doing which is not really that much or really that interesting. Their job is to safeguard eBelgium financially but all the money if kept safe these days by the Bank Managers who keeps the money in case of a Political Takeover or somebody becoming president of dictator who is not considered safe.

Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur.

Presidential Candidate
Former Dictator of eBelgium (3 terms)
Former President of eBelgium (3 terms)

[Fhaemita 4 CP] An announcement is coming soon..... ◄ (Day 2,892)
[Fhaemita 4 CP] The Announcement ◄ (Day 2897)
[Fhaemita 4 CP] The Manifesto ◄ (Day 2901)
[Fhaemita 4 CP] Cabinet ◄ (Day 2904)
[Fhaemita 4 CP]Vote Fhaemita! ◄ (Day 2907)