25.12.09: AngryMobMan- Nunavut's Congressman

Day 759, 15:23 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Hello eCanada,

Yes, it is that time of the month again, everyone scrambling to make their best appearance to everyone, so they can get voted to be eCanada's official congress. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's my turn now to do just that, as of now, I will be officially running in Nunavut, for the December 2009 congressional elections, that will be taking place on the 25th of December.

Now, every month, the same question comes about: "Well, why should I vote for you, instead of voting for someone else?". That, ladies and gentlemen, is a question that will be more than completely answered, by the time you finished reading this article.

So, let's get started, shall we?

First, My eCanadian Political History

The following you are about to read, is my eCanadian political background, which, really gives ytou, the reader, a sence of just how dedicated i am to eCanada as a whole, by devoting my time, to make eCanada better!

Minister of Immigration: For 3 months straight, I was eCanada's Minister of Recruitment. For those 3 months, I spent endlessly searching through immigrant applications, and picking out those nasty PEACE GC spies (since this was during World War 3, when spies were on a high).

Canadian Paradox Party Positions: THough way to many to number, I have been actively involved with the oldest party in eCanada, from positions such as Vice-President for 2 weeks, to Minister of Recruitment for 3 months, or even Chief of Staff for 2 months! Either way, there is no doubt about my loyalty to this party 🙂 (sorry, I am rambling on a little bit, aren't I)?

Head of eUniversity: Although not many eCanadians have heard of it yet, I have officially been devoting my time, to setting up the eUniversity again, a place for new players to learn how to be a good eCitizen, in many fields. With the help from the Ministry of Education, this project of MINE will be a great success! 🙂 (Although unrelated, stay tuned for further articles about the eUniversity).

Phew... that was a fair bit of writing, anyways, next thing, my traits I WILL bring to congress.

My Traits In Congress

Opinions: With running in such a small community area, that gives me the personal "advantage", that you can not get with other regions, like Ontario, or Alberta. You see, since it is a small town/region I am running in, that allows me to get close, and personally have 1 on 1 chats with anyone, from this region, on a day-to-day basis. This will not only help me get information from them about their opinions, but, this will also help keep them informaed about what is going on in congress nowadays!

A Voice And A Half: "I will not go unheard...", is a common phrase that I like to go by sometimes, but, what does it mean? It simply means that I will never stand by, when I think something wrong is going on. So, that means that I will MAKE SURE nunavut gets nothing bad thrown at them, from other regions, congressmen, proposals, etc... Because I will make sure that the voice of the people is heard by every congressmen/women that there is! I will voice your opinions truthfully!

Honesty: If I say something, I will never go against my word, and that applies to everything I do. If I want a goal done by a certain date, then, 99.9% of the time, that goal is done in that time span I set for myself. The same, now, also will apply for congressman elections. If I want something proposed for congress, in regards to something that will halp out nunavut, then, by all my power, I am going to get that idea proposed, ASAP.

Again, a nice little chunk of text. So, moving on now, to my IDEAS FOR THIS TERM!

My Ideas FOr Nunavut This Term

Popularity: Nunavut has the lowest popluation in eCanada, and I am single-handedly (well, okay, MAYBE with a little help from the other congress member elected in nunavut), going to change that. My personal goal will be to attract enough people, to make Nunavut have a popluation that is NOT the lowest in eCanada, because, let's face it. It's no fun living in a region that has almost no one, and you can't move out of it.

Buissness: With some tax changes, we can have a possible increase of buissnesses started in nunavut, which could make it a hotspot for people to move to and start a buisness or 2, which will aid in the building of our economy. This of course, will also make the region more important to eCanada, so, who knows, maybe with a little luck, I can get a hospital or DS placed in nunavut! 🙂

Protection: Nunavut holds the key to the northern passage to eCanada, so if a country wanted to invade from the north, it could easily do so, only, if it wcould take out nunavut. This can be prevented though, with the aid of a new DS, even if it is only a Q1, every little bit helps. And you know what, if the government doesn't want to buy one, then I WILL SUPPORT ITS PURCHASE THROUGH CONTESTS AND EVEN MY OWN MONEY!

Healthcare: Nunavut has the lowest popluation, because there is nothing attracting people to move to it. That will all change, however, if a hospital is put in place there, for the time being. Even if I have to buy it with my money (geeze, im going to have to stock up on funds if I want to buy these things for you guys, haha), I want to try and get a hospital placed in nunavut. Even if it is a Q1 that I buy for you (yes, that is considered a waste, by some people, but it helps, if your a new citizen who cant move), everything helps in some way!

Finally, last but not least, some people's opinions about me, just in case my word wasn't enough.

Opinions About AngryMobMan

Tom Hagen (Founder Of The CPP, Dedicated eCanadian) "AngryMobMan is an experienced Canadian and I would be honoured if he would represent me in Congress. I hope his fellow constituents feel the same."

Derek Harland (2 Time eCanadian Vice-President) "I have known AngryMobMan for awhile now and he is one of the most friendliest and hardest working eCanadian citizens. I have had the pleasure knowing this man for a long time now and I have come to learn he is one to trust. He would make an excellent congress member, and I wish him the best of luck."

Goran Thrax (Minister Of Justice, Forum Administrator) "For months I have enjoyed hanging out with AngryMobMan, whom is both concientious and civic minded, two qualities I have always looked for in my friends."


So, enough of my babbling on and on and on here, it is time for me to finish this off, so, in the coming up elections, I hope you all make the right choice, in nunavut, and vote up AngryMobMan, to be your CPP congress candidate this term!

Good luck to everyone running!

Onwards Paradoxia! Onwards eCanada!
