[MoHA] National Survey Results!

Day 2,164, 06:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Hello there everyone,

This is the fourth article I have written so far this month and it will contain the results of the national survey that I released on Saturday. I am glad to announce that the survey attracted 60 people to it and therefore provides a fairly reasonable sample size. Please bear in mind that since not all of the eUK’s citizens filled out the survey and that it is not 100% accurate!

Do you agree with the way the eUK is heading militarily?

Here is a pie chart clearly showing the results of the survey. As your can tell, the population is mostly split on whether or not they believe that the wars we have been fighting are the right way forward for the country. However, there is a slightly larger proportion of the populace that support the government's war decisions and believe we are heading down the right path.

These are the full results from the survey:
Yes - 27 (45😵
No - 19 (31.7😵
Not Sure - 14 (23.3😵

Do your believe the newly proposed Honours Bill should be passed?

This question managed to get an answer out of everyone with, yet again, no abstentions. The results from this question showed that whilst 50% of the surveyed do wish for the passing of the Honours Bill 36.7% were unsure. This is a bit worrying and puts us in the government slightly off passing it as we don’t know have a good idea of whether or not it would be widely accepted.

These are the full results from the survey:
Yes - 30 (50😵
No - 8 (13.3😵
Not Sure - 22 (36.7😵

Are your happy with the current government?

This question provided a split with 24 answers stating ‘no’ and 22 answers stating ‘yes’. This should hopefully give us all a bit of a nudge as it seems people think we aren’t doing as well as we should be. Hopefully we can reverse this and turn things around during the second half of the
term to keep you, the public, satisfied!
Note: There were 2 abstentions from this question.

These are the full results from the survey:
Yes - 22 (37.9😵
No - 24 (41.4😵
Not Sure - 12 (20.7😵

Please feel free to express your opinion(s) below.

These are but a few of the many opinions expressed by those who filled out the survey. Some have chosen to remain anonymous to protect themselves from being hated at.

"After WookieO's great month, this one looks pretty poor in comparison. Thats my opinion anyway, wouldn't look too much into it."
Titus Van Skittles

"Congress voted for war and the government went into headless chicken mode to avoid it at all costs. This should have been supported, its called democracy.
When the awards system pays out gold then it will mean something, until then its nobodies awarding meaningless prizes to non-entities."


"Is the eUK heading anywhere militarily?
Government is government. I'm as happy with this one as I am with any other."


"I don't like that we lost all our foreign regions. I think we should try to avoid France (big population = lots of upkeep) but try to wipe and hold Belgium, Netherlands and Norway (at the same time). They're all pretty small so we could probably do it without too much TWO help."

"We need to rebuild the British Army into the top quality public organisation it used to be, supplying the people and ensuring the eUK knows exactly what it is doing and has the resources to do it."

Well, that is as much as I could fit in for this article. I hope that the government members -including myself- have learnt what we need to do and have a better idea of what the publics opinions are. Now we have to act on them! I would however, like to leave you with the little comment that Horice left before I finish...

”Oh why the feck do I keep playing this, yells Horice,
Bloody erepublik is fast becoming pay as you play!
When credit card warriors win battles, I reminisce,
If ever I come to my senses, I'll fecking call it a day!

Not bad for as I'm pissed!"


Thank you,
Minister of Home Affairs