Absolute Lunacy. Not in my name [edit]

Day 1,884, 07:43 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

I have never publicly come out against the President of the UK before. Normally, I'll troll, and privately question either the motives or competence. Normally, however, I'm questioning the confidence of someone who has either proven experience, a genuine track record, or some semblance of long term planning.

BigAnt was elected because previous Presidents were judged to have failed. An argument at the time, the UK had fallen to rank 27. Look at our rank now - we are 29th. As well as that, under BigAnt we've had fudged up policy, mistakes with MPPs, wasted money, and a concerted movement to ignore instead of try to respond or learn from mistakes.

I would normally offer my services to help, but last month I was in Government, and watched the process of us going to war. In no uncertain terms the process was simple: instead of discussion, BigAnt decided he wanted it, and so it happened. The hilarious thing: he was too inactive or busy at the time to actually implement what he (both me as MoD, or Frerk as MoFA advised and stated our opposition to 'Azores') wanted - so the very people who advised and argued against his choice, had to then go about getting it implemented.

But that was last month, when we wasted hundreds of thousands of GBP so BigAnt could claim to have united the UK and given us fun. In truth, we had two big battles, one we won thanks to allies. The other we lost. Upon re-election, it was plainly obvious the same plan from TWO was not so forthcoming: this time BigAnt went about finding his own 'war to unite'.

So we invaded Norway, which lead to an invasion from Canada. It was palpably obvious that Canada would have retaliated, something BigAnt himself has publicly acknowledged in his comments on this article. So if he knew war with Canada was inevitable, why not just NE Canada? The answer: because he either misjudged or forgot about Canada.

But that isn't the only issue. We're now in a bordering region with Russia, and the Netherlands. If we win in Sorlandet, in theory we could face an attack from Norway (with a queued attack from the Netherlands in case we win the Resistance War) and another attack from Russia. As well as an invasion from Canada. The reason Canada invaded? Alignment with 'Asgard'. Who else has been thinking about Asgard membership? Yet another of our neighbours, Ireland. Who is to say they aren't the 4th or 5th (if Russia joins in) nation to NE us in retaliation for our pointless NE of Norway?

Ignoring all of this, this lunacy goes even further. We were being attacked by Canada, thus BigAnt opens another war against Norway. Not only does that war lead to us potentially being invaded by Russia (who can NE us soon), but it also drains our and our allies damage away from both Wales, and the Macedonian battle. So ignoring the fact that BigAnt took us along this stupid war path, he then messes up the very war no-one thought was a good idea too.

I could go on and talk about issues with BigAnt being unable to take suggestions or criticism, about his inability to think about players outside of UKPP and New Era, or about his total disregard for the new players who join parties he doesn't like. I could go on about all the money that has been wasted on his watch, about how instead of good uses of money, giving tanks to UK players, he cuts our spending and increases taxes to blow it all on wars so he can claim he was a good President.

Then there are policy flip flops: at first he hates the forums, then he uses them. Then people question him on the forums for cutting government programs whilst saying we need an expensive national army. Then, he doesn't want the forums anymore. Then there is the national army initiative that he propose😛 which was expensive and a waste of time: thanks to the great proposal from Wayne Kerr this has thankfully been dropped. But the spending cuts he pushed through to pay for them? Still in effect.

All in all, I just want to say, regardless of your party, your views before BigAnt was president, regardless of the fact he has given us war (which any President would have done, by the way, but others would have not wasted as much money, or been so quick to blame our allies, make mistakes with pre-arranged Training Wars that saved our skin - ask Ireland what they think about BigAnt) the fact is, the last few days have been the straw that broke the camels back.

A few mistakes are to be expecte😛 we are only human. But being Governed by BigAnt is logging into eRep to see what new and horrible way he has found to undo the progress the UK has made in the past. It is not a case of logging on to fight and train and work, its a case of logging on and answering PMs asking where CTA weapons have gone, what the point of using the forums when the government doesn't, why we're being invaded, why Ireland are angry, why we're invading Norway, why we're losing wars, if we're going to have congress elections. Thankfully this term I'm not a minister, so its left to the likes of FragUK, rfeist, Garth and the others who aren't too busy complaining about being complained about to clean up BigAnts mess.

So to tl;dr this - BigAnt - you may be the President, but your pointless wars are not in my name, nor are they for my benefit.

PS, to those of you who think I'm just out to hurt the UK or some other nonsensical reason, I wrote this whilst helping to supply in #MoD for the Wales battle. Trying to help mitigate the mess BigAnt has got us into

The fix

I thought I'd include my solution to this mess, which should be read as 'damage control'. As it is, we have Vestlandet which borders the Netherlands and Russia. Russia's NE expires pretty soon. This means we SHOULD NOT win Sorlandet. We should also RW Vestlandet at the earliest opportunity.

BigAnt has decided the solution is to wipe Norway. Regardless of the fact its the riskier plan, he has made a call, so all we can do is follow it for now. Other than that nothing has changed, we should do everything we can to undo this mess. You can see my response to comments and a possible plan to fix this, here