[ESO] Update of what's been going on/to happen.

Day 1,807, 06:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

Welcome to an ESO Update, this article will be relatively big, as a lot of stuff has happened and a lot of stuff is going to happen, so lets not delay, on with the show.

ESO Overhauling, the most important issue by far, the party of which is Every Single One [ESO] has been struggling for awhile because of a specific issue about it, its inability to fight aggressively on big issues.

A breakdown of what’s been going on inside the wonderful land of which is ESO regarding the Overhaul:

What is ESO?:

This debate was to discuss what is the party, not what its stance is, but what is it ultimately about. Sadly the debate got of to a relatively poor, jumbled and lack of direction, however that was soon sorted out and it was put on track to bring about a very impressive conclusion, that sums up ESO excellently and can allow us to move on to other topics.

The conclusion was this:

Equality; Every single person has a right to express his/her thoughts and ideas and has a say how we move as a community or as an individual, all views are taken on-board and listened to.

Solidarity; We are stronger together, we support each other.

Opportunity; We are open and unbiased in approach to giving people the tools needed progress and develop as player.”

The reasoning behind going over what ESO is, was to ensure we all knew, as the topics being discussed and going to be discussed down the line are dependent on ESOers knowing what ESO actually is. I say, we now have achieved a way to explain what is ESO, and we can happily recall on it to assist us.

What does ESO stand for?:

Another of the things discussed and still being discussed was ‘What does ESO stand for?’ and what I asked for during this debate wasn’t some vague thing, it was for two things, a slogan, a fixed slogan and a well constructed set of paragraphs going over it in detail, that we could use for important articles, letters and manifestos.

The slogan has been decided upon, and not only is it amazing and suits ESO quite well, both in what we do, and in what we wish to achieve.


Equality, Solidarity, Opportunity.”

The set of paragraphs that will be used for important articles, letters and manifestos is still being discussed, however, can go over some of the points/issues it will cover.

“The goal of Every Single One is a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of equality, solidarity and opportunity”

This is a snippet of something discussed and potentially part of the finished piece, it goes into detail about the specific things we uphold and aim for.

“One individual is capable of changing the world we play in by using their own intelligence, experience, capabilities and opportunities effectively and so we at ESO have constantly acknowledged the value of one person, one individual and tried to provide the experience, the opportunity and capacity for every single one to have their chance at making the changes and making the difference that they want in the world we play in.”

That is one of the most important pieces and a sure part of the ‘What does ESO stand for?’ set of paragraphs, it sums up what we look for in a player and then what we want to enhance and help them enhance. It also goes over that we know people are different from one another, and we can utilise these different/unique skills to advance forwards both for ESO and the wider eUK.

Congress Manifesto:

I personally take responsibility for the issue caused over ESOs Congress manifesto dilemma, I wanted us to to individual manifestos and a summary article showing them all with Party President statements, it worked, it truly did, however I think we now need a plan and a layout for ‘a unified agreement of policies and ideas with statements/paragraph from each candidate running’. The base of a unified Congress manifesto is already been laid out by the progress of the ESO Overhauling, and its going well.

Previous ESO Congress article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-eso-we-re-doing-congress-awesome-style--2144181/1/20

Individual member input will still be at its highest possible, as candidates will submit a statement/paragraph explaining themselves and their views as effectively as possible. We also discussed a sub-issue with this, that not all members can support the same policy over differences of ideas, so we’re going to overcome this by a simple thing really, explain the exceptions. Which should solve this, we can explain that something may not be the case if so and so happened. An example of this:

All ESO members have the right to propose any idea they wish and it will undergo fair debate. This simply cannot work by itself, as what if the issue has been repeated after a verdict has been sorted and it was accepted by the majority, however if the reopening of the issue is justified then it is acceptable, if not, its not acceptable.

This sums up what ESO Overhauling so far. There will be another update in a few days time going over more things discussed about the Overhauling.

What else has been/going to happening you may ask?:

Well, lets go over it all;

ESO New Player Assistance Scheme; originally it was designed for the internal parts of ESO, but it was discussed and the conclusion was, its not fair to just help ourselves, lets spread the help over the largest population possible, and those who need it most, so it was decided to open the scheme to the whole eUK new player population, of course there were requirements, yet only two, be an eUK citizen, and be no older than 150 days.

The ESO New Player Assistance Scheme article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-eso-new-player-assistance-scheme-q6weps-amp-food--2147773/1/20

ESO has already gathered together via donations, a hefty 105,800 Energy [Wellness for those oldies out there] worth of food, and a staggering 18,100 hits worth of weapons.

Pandaisation; As soon as I decided to run for Party President, I knew my theme was panda’s and crayons, and now, its happening, the party has gone panda crazy, and as this has happened, a few events will now be happening.

An ESO Quiz; you will hear more about this in the next article, the questions are being written, the format is being done, its time, for; ESO Quiz Marathon 2012 - October to November term. There will be teams from ESO and how to apply and set a team up will be released shortly. [The Quiz will be held on IRC, the date will also a small poll on when is most suitable.]

ESO Fashion Show; Yes you read correctly, a fashion show, this will be an amazing thing to do, and its already been planned, so watch out for the next article which is due Friday night or Saturday morning. [This week]

ESO Support Poll; ESO has done really well at doing the Poll this term, with nice discussion, civil too, and most importantly, its one of the first parties to complete it, meaning we’re able to relax while the other parties poll in the last 5 days. The ESO poll finished as 2pm today, and I can gladly tell you the results; Talon Karrde received 15 votes in his favour [58%], Richard Feist gained 1 vote [ 4%], and the no one option received 8 votes [31%]. As of now, ESO is officially supporting Talon Karrde in the Country President Elections.

The sums up what ESO has been doing and what it's going to be doing, please understand, not all activities have been released publicly as they do remain an internal affair and do not affect outsiders considerably; not enough to warrant public informing on.


eUK forums: http://tinyurl.com/eUKForums
If you do not have an eUK forum account, make sure to use the register link at the top right hand corner near the sign in bit on the eUK forums.
ESO Forums: http://tinyurl.com/TheESOForum
If you do not have access to the ESO forums, apply here: http://tinyurl.com/PartyForumRequest
ESO Internet Relay Chat [IRC] Channel: #eso on irc.rizon.org server, here’s a direct link: http://tinyurl.com/ESOChannelViaMibbit

Lots of Love;
~ApronChef - ESO Party President.
~ESO members.