[ESO] We're doing Congress, Awesome style.

Day 1,800, 02:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

Good evening fellow eUKers and the randomers who are reading this, its jolly good to see you and I hope I can wow you with the fine selection of candidates.

A lot of the people who showed intention to run and wrote manifestos are very promising, however, the amount of people wanting to run was a little disappointing, but I'm glad to see bright future'd players giving it a go.

- dmgd

Link to manifesto: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-eso-personal-manifesto-2143618/1/20

Statement: -

PP review: Definitely an awesome person, humorous, does what he plans to do. Also extremely good at writing, as his manifesto has great momentum, gets to the point and stays on the point.

- Lord Lewis Cromwell

Link to manifesto: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/congress-1-2143078/1/20

Statement: "I love ESO, everyone here is a real diamond that shines in their own way! It's like sitting in a collection of eUK's finest people, really."

PP review: An exciting player indeed, has a sense of love around him, always there to help, always there to do his bit. He's one with a bright future, and expanding intellect.

- Blue And Evil

Link to Manifesto: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-to-the-tune-of-conga-congress-congress-congress--2143957/1/20

Statement: "If you wanna vote for me, you gotta vote for ESO, but good news! Every Single Candidate standing for Congress with ESO is at least 93% as awesome as I am - some up to 127% as awesome!"

PP review: He's not evil, well he is a little bit, he's also very blue, but in the cool way. An awesome guy, and very dedicated to his duties, and fulfils them with a sense of determination to do them right.

- Samoss The Great

Link to Manifesto: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-eso-congress-candidate-samoss-2142829/1/20

Statement: "A community that plays alongside together stay's together."

PP review: One with a definitely bright future, always a cheerful chap. If there was a Miss ESO competition, he'd be in the running for it, without a doubt.

- Betafoxtrot

Link to Manifesto: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Betafoxtrot [its his wiki]

Statement: -

PP review: Regardless of what people say, he does add a spark of activeness to congress [I've seen], his debating and discussion(?) skills really do add the edge to any issue that comes up. Most issues he partakes in do reach a conclusion and the conclusion normally works well.

- CheetahCurtis

Link to Manifesto: - [He has spoke to me about this]

Statement: -

PP review: I'm going to go over who CheetahCurtis is and what he can do for the eUK, because he's a player we should give a chance at congress, as he's amazing.

He's extremely talented at a multiple of things, idea thinking, creativity and providing examples, very detailed examples to back up his findings and statements. He's one of those players that does what is right and knows very well what is wrong too, so he understands how to do what is right in nearly every situation.

If he was elected, he'd be able to give these things without a doubt:
-His skills, debating, discussion and more importantly evidence to support him and others.
-Dedication, he's always dedicated to perform what he was elected to do.
-Adaptability, definitely a player who is adaptable, and that's what the eUK needs.

- Lord Reincarnate

Link to Manifesto: -

Statement: -

PP review: One of those players that even if you argue, you just want to hug him. He's like the teddy bear that everyone wants, and just wont get rid of, he's like 'Ted', he swears, just need to get him to take drugs, and I have myself 'Ted'. His debating skills are pretty renown, he's not always right, but he's a person who will without fail admit he is wrong at some point. He's a player with talent, and that talent could prove to be a valuable asset in congress.

- D I W

Link to Manifesto: -

Statement: -

PP review: Spoken to him many times; extremely active, determined to find out what he doesn't know/understand to develop himself and that's not all, he's very clever too.

And that sums up ESOs [Official] candidates for the Congress Elections of October.

Now, for a few words from me [The Party President] before ending this article of awesomeness.

ESO stands for love, care and co-operation between its members and the community at large, and without a doubt, we do love, care and co-operate, and I hope this continues. Our candidates this term are definitely promising.

Lots of Love;