21 Questions with Dan Breen

Day 1,505, 14:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Big Sexy Black Man

This is a daily interview series conducted by Dan “The Man” Breen (send me a friend request please), the purpose of this series is to install a level of activity into the Irish media and to encourage a “get to know each other” atmosphere within the community. All interviewees are current or past citizens or people with some relevance to this country.
Today is interview #1 with castaneda

Real Life
1. First name: You can call me Big Poppa

2. Age: You'd have to ask me "Ma", shes likes to keep track o stuff like that , i dont .

3.Occupation:I've had many many occupations, I'm a qualified electrician, scaffolder, purveyor of the finest mind alterating substances, I hold many tickets to operate many items of heavy machinery and facilitator/cultivator of some of Ireland's finest 'erb.

4. Country/County: Ireland and the best county/city within Ireland ,Dublin .

5. College/Subject: DIT Kevin St. Dip in Electric/Electronic Eng.

6. Favourite Hobby: Archery, Falconry(its been a while), Erep(sad), Reading, Music, Smoking, Drinking 🙂

7. Favourite Movie: Apocalypse Now/Once Upon A Time In America/Battle Royale

8. Favourite Book: The Hobbit/ A Yaqui Way of Knowledge/ Shantaram/ All of the Enders/Shadow saga

9. MU: Libertad ofc : )

10. Why you joine😛 Because I wanted to make a difference, and do what we Irish do best, fight for the little guys or at least we used too.

11. Political Party: Irish Independence Party

12. Why you joine😛 Because there is no IV anymore

13. Best Irish Frien😛 Grainne NiMhaille

14. Biggest Irish Enemy: WOW where to begin, there are so many 😛 I've tried to make amends with some people who might have been considered my "enemies", and its worked well. So no more enemies hopefully : )

15. Best Irish CP: And I thought fav book/movie was hard. It's hard to define best. There have been many who took a chance and it worked well. In the last few months... PP has done a stellar job. He surprised me. But Bhane surprised me more and did a great job too.

16. Worst Irish CP: Surprisingly it wouldnt be a CP who stole or anything like that, the worst are those who do NOTHING, after a couple of days or weeks into the job they just quit doing anything then come back days/weeks later telling us all how wrong we all are, and we've had plenty of those in the last year and even in the last few months.

17. Favourite Article: Of all time? EASY Jack Fluffertons articles were class and he had a couple of real humdingers, hopefully someone digs one out, I can't be arsed

18. Favourite eRepublik Moment: Probably the World War that was going on when citizenship came in (I think it was WWII). It was my first one here and none of the rest since have done it for me.

19. Worse eRepublik Moment: The day they changed the strength & ranks, the day they changed the media module, the day they changed "insert nearly all changes made here". I said nearly, I like the WaM and MU's and bazookas 'n bars

20. I joined eRepublik from: Watching a friend login one getting toasted, I just joined the following day . He never logged in again lol

21. I will quit eRepublik when…: I WIN !!

You're respectfully

Dan "The Man" Breen