20person for CNC Party President

Day 876, 13:11 Published in Canada Canada by 20person

Hello, my name is 20person, and I would like to become the party president of the CNC. The CNC has suffered a few setbacks, most notably our disappearance from the top 5 parties. I would like to plan ahead for our future.

My first issue is a merger. The idea of merging with another ideologically similar party has been around for quite a while now. Currently, we are in negotiations with the CSD regarding a merger. If I am elected as party president, I would like to continue these negotiations and see a merger resulting from it that is fair to both parties.

Another issue concerns party activity. Not a large part of the party is active. I would like to change that. My plan is to send welcoming PMs to all of our 2-clicker members and new members, to encourage them to join our party forums and get involved in party activities.

On the 15th, vote 20person for CNC party president!