eRepublik's FAP (Frequently Asked Problems)

Day 1,697, 15:56 Published in USA Argentina by Leuch
Dear admins, few days ago, you made an announcement about servers problems.
We, players, really thought that the problem was solved but it seems that's not the case...

Usually there is a FAQ for website, let me introduce you the...FAP 😃 (Frequently Asked Problems).

1) Fight button, are you here ?

You can't fight in a battle, you push the "fight" button, the button loads but nothing appears. No influence, no damage.


2) Alerts.

You used to receive alerts in real time before. But now, when someone comment/vote on our shout, you receive the nofication few minutes after, or NEVER !
The same problem exist with friendship request.


3) Points are not counted in a battle:


4) Impossible to comment or vote:


5) Incredible ghost fighters:


6) Alert for nothing:


Please, close eRepublik 2 or 3 days if necessary but fix your game !

eRepublik's FAP (Frequently Asked Problems):