2 Years Old Today

Day 1,174, 21:41 Published in USA USA by Woxan

And I am happy to see, that after 2 years of on-off playing, that World War I (ATLANTIS/PEACE, EDEN/Phoenix) is ending and that World War II (PANAM/NWO), is finally about to begin. Seriously guys, World War I was getting stale. Hoping for it to get interesting again is like the Mule trying to find the Second Foundation. It simply can't be done.

Anyone who thinks that there already was a "WW2, WW3, WWIV, etc." is wrong and fails to grasp the big picture. It was all an extension of the Hun/Rom conflict and the alliances that fell around it.

Also, I say we invade Mexico again. It's been two years since Taco Bell, a month since Frost, but pillaging them never gets old. Or Spain, so we can watch Gaius Julius turn in his eGrave.