2. Business basics part two of two

Day 567, 13:02 Published in Australia Australia by The Old Oak
2. Business basics part two of two

i- organisations
ii- quality
iii- productivity
iv- export licenses

i- organisations

When you get to level 11, you can create an organisations, an extra account. These differ from citizen accounts in that they have neither wellness nor experience. Just like any citizen, an organisation can possess one or more companies. The reason why general managers run their companies through an organisation and not as citizens is because running a company makes you loose one wellness point per company per day. Also, if you use an organisation, you can have a job and manage your companies at the same time.

To set up an organisation, go to My places, Organizations and Create new. By now, you know how the process works. Unlike other structures, the name of your organisation cannot be changed so choose wisely.

Apart from fight, work, eat and vote your organisation can do everything you do.

ii- quality

A few chapters back, we discussed quality of products. Well, the quality level of a company determines the quality of the products it sells.

A higher quality company needs more raw material units to make the product. For example, the manufacturing of one unit of q1 food will require one unit of raw material, a q2 unit of food requires 2 raw material units, etc. It works the same way in the construction industry.

In the raw material industry, higher quality means the produced raw material will be equivalent to more raw material units. For instance, q1 iron will provide one iron unit whereas q3 iron provides 3 iron units.

To upgrade to quality level two, it will cost you 20 gold, 50 gold to get to level 3, 100 gold to level 4 and 200 gold (!) to get to level 5. You upgrade simply by clicking Upgrade quality level in the Stock section of your company.

iii- productivity

Productivity represents how much your company produces, and it is measured in productivity units. The product your company your company makes needs a certain number of productivity unit to be finished. For instance, food needs one, weapons five and houses 200. Similarly, raw materials need productivity units to be produced.

There is an ideal number of employees to get the best possible productivity, called the max productivity, that can be found on your company homepage.

As we have discussed earlier, each employee's productivity is impacted by their wellness and skills. But that's just the tip of the Iceberg. You can see the exact formulas and bonus by looking on the productivity formula wiki page, better presented than in this book and clearer.

The only difference between the raw material formula and the construction and manufacturing ones are the quality bonus, the multiplier and the Regional Bonus. That last bonus is a measure of the natural resources of a region. You can find out what resources there are in a region by going to the Society page of that region. If the region has high resources in the raw material industry your company produces, the land bonus will be two, it will be one in the case of a medium resource region and 0.001 otherwise.

You can see the exact formulas and bonus by looking on the productivity formula wiki page.

iv- export licenses

It might that you'd make more profit by selling abroad? If you that it's the case, you can purchase a market license for 20 gold. Be sure to check import taxes in the country you plan to sell in before you buy your license, you don't want to pay 99% taxes, do you?

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