15 Questions for the Presidential Candidates....

Day 1,171, 14:49 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

So I have some questions for the candidates and I would like to see them all answered.

1. What do you intend to do about our taxes?
2. Will we continue to stay in an alliance?
3. Do you see war happening any time soon?
4. Will Snooki from Jersey Shore ever not be inebriated?
5. What really happened at the last part of the Soprano's?
6. Did the totem fall during the end of Inception?
7. Public Nudity? Yea or Nay?
8. Isn't Ke$ha really just trying to find her inner child with her music?
9. Does Extenze work and if not what does?
10. Multiple orgasms? Fact or fiction?
11. How can I get abs like Usher?
12. Are you cold right now and if so do you have a Snuggie?
13. Are you satisfied with your current cell phone plan?
14. Someone asked if I like mudkieps? What does it mean? Maybe I do...maybe I don't.
15. Are you with CoCo?

I think these are the questions people are really concerned about. We can leave all that other crap on the floor.