13 Gold, What to Do?

Day 505, 18:48 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

In the last couple of days, I have increased my gold total from 3 to 13 with two acheivements. One was for hard worker, in which I worked 30 days in a row. I would have got that achievement much quicker if I didn't forget to work one day when I was at 13 days in a row. My second achievement is a Super Soldier one for advancing five levels. The one fight I participated in was, yes, I'm not a liar, in the Norway-Finland war. I didn't know at the time Norway was run by goons so I apologize and I come clean now eCanada.

The one thing I am currently stumped on is what to spend it on though. I was thinking of buying a house, but I realized that there are better ways for me to spend my money. To be honest, you don't really need a house at all. If you fight in one war and get your wellness above, 90, you don't need to spend gold on a house. It is much more cost-efficient for you to buy Q2 or Q3 food. You lose 2 wellness on a non-fight day by working and training so if you have Q2 food and if you are above 90 wellness, that is all you need. So buying a house isn't right for me.

My second option and the one I am most interested in, is purchasing a company. Economics, politics and media are the three reasons I am here. I can't be too involved in politics yet but I am doing my best. I am running this paper so I have media covered. And I would like to join a company so I can fulfill my dream of becoming economically active. Sadly, 13 gold can't buy me a company just yet so I will likely just save up some more and once I get some more gold I will buy a company.

Beyond that, I am at a loss for what to do with it. Saving it is one option but I will probably spend a couple of gold this month. I think running for congress costs some gold, and I will definitely be doing that. I was going to run for party president for poops and giggles but when I realized it has a 2 gold fee attached to it, I knew it wasn't worth it for me.

That is all for today, I am basically just looking for ideas on what to do with the gold. This isn't one of my more interesting articles but I just felt like writing it because I was so pumped for getting all this gold. I was planning on going on a shopping spree but now I am at a loss with what to do with it. If anyone has any ideas, let me know!

This is Derek Harland signing off.