13:55 ч.(обновено) ЗА развитието на 'ЗAплата ЗA ЗAщита на eБългария!' (отчет)

Day 982, 17:00 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Union of the BG commandos
Bulgarian Democratic Party

Здравейте еГраждани.
БДП http://www.hotelroyallodge.com/bg/img/bulgarian_flag.png">стартира кампанията 'ЗAплата ЗA ЗAщита на eБългария!'
като идеята за нея както вече бе споменато е на dido79. Тъй като бях запознат с идеята за инициативата още преди старта и, и помолен да се заема с задачата около нейното провеждане с помоща на организацията ми Union of the BG commandos е време да ви информирам как вървят нещата след първият ден от започването и.
Мисля че нещата са доста обнадеждаващи (което може само да ме радва) и вече има събрани около 7 GOLD, 470 BGN и куп различни валути. Но за да разберем какви са точните цифри да погледнем пълния списък с дарителите:
J Grey has transfered 50 BGN to your account.
mvarsev has transfered 10 RSD to your account.
dido79 has transfered 0.04 GOLD to your account.
dido79 has transfered 12 BGN to your account.
Presiyan P has transfered 10 BGN to your account.
Garabeda has transfered 50 BGN to your account.
YellowOne has transfered 5.5 BGN to your account.
mario1998 has transfered 18 BGN to your account.
mario1998 has transfered 4 EEK to your account.
Pacleto has transfered 28.9 GBP to your account.
NKFV has transfered 87.89 BGN to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.98 RON to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.42 BRL to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.25 HUF to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.73 ESP to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.41 CAD to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.14 PLN to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.2 NOK to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.23 RUB to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.4 AUD to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.17 RSD to your account.
NKFV has transfered 0.28 EEK to your account.
NKFV has transfered 3.35 LTL to your account.
NKFV has transfered 2.11 UYU to your account.
NKFV has transfered 2.49 GOLD to your account.
MastermindINTJ has transfered 18 BGN to your account.
vodka_piq has transfered 10 BGN to your account.
Dexter55 has transfered 71.51 BGN to your account.
WeedSmokerBg has transfered 28.33 BRL to your account.
WeedSmokerBg has transfered 2.14 IDR to your account.
WeedSmokerBg has transfered 10 NLG to your account.
eDarkAngel has transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
Pacleto has transfered 24.5 FRF to your account.
Darriel has transfered 20.25 RSD to your account.
Kiril7 has transfered 20 BGN to your account.
inna4ka has transfered 20 RUB to your account.
ExecutorArtanis has transfered 1.71 BGN to your account.
kabraksis has transfered 7.45 RUB to your account.
kabraksis has transfered 0.19 FRF to your account.
kabraksis has transfered 15 BGN to your account.
nqmame_zaguben_flag has transfered 50 BGN to your account.
Mopasan has transfered 5 BGN to your account.
Cornhulio has transfered 0.5 GOLD to your account.
kaloki has transfered 0.53 GOLD to your account.
Stanislav Vladimirov Borisov has transfered 0.02 HUF to your account.
Stanislav Vladimirov Borisov has transfered 0.02 UAH to your account.
Stanislav Vladimirov Borisov has transfered 2.11 RUB to your account.
Stanislav Vladimirov Borisov has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
BladeGT has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Lucky_Lom has transfered 10 RUB to your account.
tgg78 has transfered 5.08 BGN to your account.
killer_13 has transfered 6.58 RSD to your account.
killer_13 has transfered 1 RUB to your account.
killer_13 has transfered 6.82 BGN to your account.
Mindio has transfered 20 USD to your account.
Selaphiell has transfered 24.3 USD to your account.
4040 has transfered 0.08 GOLD to your account.
4040 has transfered 10 RUB to your account.
The Graverobber has transfered 10 BGN to your account.
MosheNICK has transfered 3.6 BGN to your account.
JIyg has transfered 20 BGN to your account.
JIyg has transfered 91.53 MDL to your account.
JIyg has transfered 0.08 RSD to your account.
No NaMe HoLDiNG has transfered 0.32 UAH to your account.
No NaMe HoLDiNG has transfered 1.41 BGN to your account.
7.65 GOLD
471.52 BGN
28.75 BRL
24.70 FRF
28.90 GBP
50.80 RUB
65.37 RSD
44.31 USD
91.53 MDL
* останалите валути са в малки количества

Периодично ще изпращаме отчети за това какви суми са се събрали и кои са дарителите.
Накрая сумата ще бъде преведена на БНБ за използване за строеж на защитни системи.

Нека сме загрижени, нека сме щедри, нека сме ЗА еБългария!
Ако и вие желате да се включите с дарение, направете го тук:
Дарителска сметка
С уважение: normal_m http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qQK8rbawOOea-M:http://lib.ru/HISTORY/FELSHTINSKY/naslednik-44.jpg">