Kyle321n's Official Response: Fordham University

Day 767, 13:37 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n
Please note the following only represents Kyle321n's feelings and in no way represents those of any political party, Organization, business, or any other entity in eRepublik.

Legal stuff's out of the way... And popculture references/song lyrics will be at the end of today's article. Sorry for the whole "changing things up" but it's got to be done this way. Kind of like how Momento sucked in chronological order.

Now many have seen the articles detailing the saga of yesturday's California Election. Some have even seen the public announcement of the AAP. You may notice that I commented, saying "Cool story, needs moar facts" and that is what I will bring to you today. My side of the story. But I'll only allow you to see how I feel about this, through factual analysis.

To begin, I am angry. It's obvious that I'm angry. To those of you who feel as if I shouldn't be angry I have 2 words for you. Fordham University.

To Woxan, my "blocker" from the AAP: I know we've never really seen eye to eye on things, and in some cases I feel as if you don't like me for some reason. I've never done anything to harm you, and while I did help the Jewitt/PigInZen campaign against Josh Frost and you, I've never done any personal slandering towards you or attacked your credibility in anyway. I respect what you've done and as an economic mind of the country I respect your thoughts on many things. While I was a little confused by your article (I thought using the amount of Damage US citizens did in that battle would have been a better and more startling number, rather than using the battle number. Might have confused some people too) I thought it was pretty good in rallying the US in being selfless. Now you decided to be a "blocker" for the AAP in California, which is a good and selfless thing to do. But did you ask yourself: "Am I too popular to actually be a blocker? Won't this look like a real campaign? Maybe I should link my presentation to an article saying 'Don't for for me, I'm a blocker' and change my avatar to a 'Don't vote for me' one as well?" Clearly you know about these things, as Federalist Blockers who are too new to even understand some of these concepts did them. To this I say, you knew what you were doing, you blatently disregarded these things, and you decided to take some "Personal Glory over Service" to your party. And for that I say: "Fordham University"

To Ballman, party president of the AAP, responsible party for picking Woxan over any of the other 8 or 9 candidates who registered to run. Why? You are a first term Party President, and you decide to cause an entire top 5 party to be angry with you, along with many within your party and other parties? You should have said to yourself, "Woxan's a Media Mogal, recent Vice President and Secretary of Treasury (along with about 4 or 5 other titles), and a really popular person in our party. If I pick him, he'll probably beat the candidate we support just on name recognition alone. Maybe I should pick one of the 2clickers who registered and pose no harm to the real candidate." But you didn't. When ask by the candidate your party endorsed, me, to change the blocker, you refused? Why? Because Woxan's a respected member of the party and picking a 2clicker would "hurt his feelings"? Or is it because you thought, "Yeah, Woxan could win us another seat, and that'd make the party look better" not thinking of the consequences that angering the 5th largest party would bring. To you not honoring my request of a different blocker (any candidate but Woxan) and allowing him to win I say: "Fordham University"

To those of you from any political party who feel I was not wronged, and that this was just a case of mistakes, or to those of you who supported Woxan and thought "Yeah, good for him, he deserves this", I ask why? If you felt that my asperations in my campaign weren't good, then you could have told me. If you felt that I'm just the biggest dick in the world, I'm fine with that. But when a party at the last minute decides to run one of the most popular players in the game against the candidate they endorse, does that not look like someone is getting screwed? If you still feel like I "got mine" then I have 2 words for you: "Fordham University"

Finally to those who support me, and feel like I've been wronged, thank you. But do not hold this against the America's Advancement Party. Hold it against those members who felt the need to do this. Do not lump good people like Rheinlander von Phalz, Emmanueal Cruise, Daniel Dodge, Serendiptious, and others in the AAP in with those of the likes of Woxan and Ballman. Be weary of people who may be trying to "help", and always look out for number 1. If you do not you will end up like me and be without a seat in congress.

If you are wondering what my plans are, well I'm not sure. I've been contacted by the Marines to rejoin them, and I thank them for that opportunity. I may take them up on that. I've been contacted by Speaker of the House, Serendiptious to stay on and help the Armed Services Committee, and I may take him up on that, and I thank you. I've been told by many people "don't quit, the country is worse off without you", I respectfully disagree, the country may be the same without me, but I thank them for their respect. I am undecided, but I am sure whatever I do, I will do it with the same vigor and zest for the game that I'd done everything else. I do know that I will continue broadcasting my podcast, "Fightin' 'round the World", so continue to listen to that.

To those who still wish to do me harm in the future, remember: karma will come back to bite you in the butt.

For an audio visual representation of this article please watch this video

"This is what you'll get
This is what you'll get
When you mess with us"