11-Feb, the magic number

Day 787, 19:20 Published in Singapore Singapore by Woshiempire

Hello, I am Woshiempire. I am here to talk about the magic number- 11 Feb 2009 😃

11-Feb 2009 is a magic number for eSingapore and also SRP-Singapore Republican Party. That is our 1st anniversary date since both are formed.

eSingapore came a long way since its creation in eRepublik, time sure fly and soon it will be 1 year already. eSingapore has changed a lot since that day, the landscape has changed, the people has changed and the atmosphere has changed. We have a yearlong of history and fun and experienced 1 baby boom few months after the creation. It was a worthwhile of the time spenthere in eRepublik.

Singapore Republican Party (SRP) has also reached the 1st anniversary. It was formed the same date as the formation of eSingapore. SRP has come a long way since 1 year ago, the political system has changed and also the community in eSingapore. I, as its founder, am happy that SRP has reached its 1st anniversary. I hope that SRP continue to grow and also groom more new members. Grooming new politician into the arena is our goals since start. I hope to provide a platform for new members that wish to join politics. It will be a worthwhile helping new politicians to their success.

I, Woshiempire had also play eRepublik for more than a year now. However, I do feel that only when I came to eSingapore, that where my whole eLife start. The miracle day that 11-feb, esingapore was formed. I came here with a few friends I made before and in real life. I remember that the first message I received when I was in esingapore was from Arbryn. ( she was choosing which of the few new nations to go to) . Personally, it been a lot of fun this whole year, making a lots of new friends, coming from different national and age.11-Feb make is my eLife’s turning point, making lots of friends in the politcal arena and also friends that can be my support and wisdom 😃. Just wish that all of them come back to esingapore, where all the fun start. oh my, I older by 1 year already!

In conclusion, on 11-Feb , SRP will try to cash out few of its gold stuck in the party fund to have a food or gifts donations, I will also take out some of my personal money to sponsor this event too. This is to have fun and have share the love, sponsor by SRP and woshiempire.

Lastly, I will have a surprise gift on the 11-Feb, if I can make it in time 😃

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