An Introduction to ~hyuu~ism

Day 742, 11:38 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

Due to Chucky Norris's attack on ~hyuu~, I saw it necessary to reveal the true nature of the ~hyuu~ism to the eWorld to prevent such misunderstandings from arising.

The Base Beliefs of ~hyuu~ism

~hyuu~ism does not worship any sort of eDeity and while it doesn't explicitly deny the possibility of one such thing existing, it believes the foundation of the eWorld to be the ~hyuu~. The ~hyuu~ is a chime from which everything arises, it is constantly in motion and runs through this universe akin to a river. Everything arises from the ~hyuu~ and everything eventually returns to it.

The Nature of the ~hyuu~

The ~hyuu~ is the essence of all existence, but neither creator nor existence itself. It simultaneously sounds through and engulfs this world, and is the default state of being. To the average citizen, the ~hyuu~ remains inaudible. Attributes such as greed, anger, lust, or aggressiveness lay down upon the ~hyuu~th sense with which one can perceive the ~hyuu~. Those who are able to free their minds of negative attributes, after years of meditation and detachment from eWorldly burdens such as experience points, strength, or skill levels, have laid down that the ~hyuu~ cannot be heard with one's ears yet upon unification with it engulfs the ~hyuu~nist's mind. It thereupon enters a state of transcendence in which one drowns in the waters of the endless River of ~hyuu~, which runs through all 4 dimensions and whose branches intertwine infinitely. While submerged in this vessel through which the blood of being itself flows, the few thoughts remaining are washed away and one enters a state of ultimate bliss, in which a chime akin to an angel-like whistle fills the ensuing void.

This chime cannot be expressed with human means, but those who have become one with the ~hyuu~ and afterwards returned to our plane of existence now endowed with heightened perception of all happenings, including clairvoyance as the insight into the flow of the ~hyuu~ and thus the future and the ability to see the way things are connected by the ~hyuu~ and ultimately one with it have reported that the sound of "hyuu" is the closest but due to our imperfect nature still far removed way to grant insight into it. The tildes indicate its wave-like nature, moving like sound and keeping the world in motion like flowing water.

The Path to the ~hyuu~

The ~hyuu~ists seek enlightenment through unification with the ~hyuu~ by purifying their minds of all the eWorldly dust which settles upon it to enter a state in which they can receive insight into the true nature of the ~hyuu~. This involves the aforementioned cleansing of one's mind, maintaining of a high wellness level to ensure that one's brain functions sufficiently to endure the alternation of strict concentration and entire loss thereof, and ultimately the chanting of ~hyuu~ to more easily meditate to enter a trance-like state in which the world surrounding one is lost and one opens their mind to enable them to hear the depths of the the ~hyuu~.

The -anuu-

Contrary to the ~hyuu~ runs the -anuu-. The -anuu- is born from the flaws of the human soul, and as the opposite of the ~hyuu~ an unnatural state. While unification with the ~hyuu~ is described as a state of flawless contentedness and harmony, one who burdens themself with too many negative attributes is pushed down by their weight into the plane of -anuu-, where they experience terror, fear, and imbalance, expressed in a sound of shrieking dissonance. Prolonged stay in the -anuu- is impossible, as every being will as soon as possible flee from this state of being, and their experience will cause them to desire to shed off their sins to never return to the -annu- and to instead find its opposite. ~hyuu~ists seek to avoid ever descending into the -anuu-, causing pain and sadness, but instead strive to directly work towards one-ness with the ~hyuu~.


According to ~hyuu~ism, the world is an infinite cycle. Once all beings have transcended into the ~hyuu~ and their souls have joined the chorus chanting this eternal sound, the world has thus cleansed itself of all its wrongs, and the -anuu- ceases to be fed and upheld by human flaws an Era ends and the entity of existence is freed. Yet the sound of the souls transcending further into the Eternal ~hyuu~ echoes within this plane's boundaries, and these echoes merge to form a new Era with a new ~hyuu~ and souls drifting towards the -anuu- due to their own foolishness.

Nosyt, the Seventh ~hyuhmin~

The first ~hyuu~ist to have reached one-ness with the ~hyuu~ in this 7th Era is Nosyt, the present ~hyuhmin~. Every Era has a ~hyuhmin~, the first one able to hear and to unify with the ~hyuu~ and whose perfected mind, after experiencing it returns to our plane to teach others his path and of the ~hyuu~'s nature to keep them from descending into the -anuu- first.