101 Trading in eRepublik - Ingame and Irc

Day 2,237, 06:00 Published in USA Albania by SilentSurfer

As you can imagine this will is my first article for 2014, and I wanted to start with a problem I am encountering everyday in this game.. and this is Scammers.

I might say that I have some kind of experience in the field of trading Ingame and on various IRC channels, and I can sum up all of this in some simple points :

Chapter I Since most part of serious trading is made in IRC (not mentioning the channels) I will start with the points there:

1. The most important one, if something is too good to be true, most probably it isn't. So be really careful will extremely low prices.

2. Most of the channels have a hierarchy system where people with voice(+), halfop (😵 and operators (@) CAN be trusted, but this isn't a 100% secure trade however but is the safest way to start.

3. When you are trading in real big amounts of money or merchandise is preferable to use a middle man with the higher access level (aop,sop or admin) witch are less likely to scam you.

4. All of the major trading channels usually have a scammer's list. Ask around in the channel on how to access it and ALWAYS check the ID or LINK of the other part on the list..

5. ALAWAYS Whois (/whois NICKNAME) the other part.. An whois will tell you a lot of good information on the people you are speaking with and most important will tell you the actual access level of the other party.

*"Scammers tend to use similar usernames with people with higher access to gain the trust of others, one of the most common tactics is to misuse or alter the letter .. for example in my case someone used the username SiIentSurfer, in the attempt to scam someone.. if you notice well its actually not SILENT but Siient .. and many other tricks like this.. but when you WHOIS someone it will shout the the actual SilentSurfer will show with a + before it and the scammer without it in the desired channel"

** When you do the /whois NICKNAME command, dont write yourself the name of the one you are chatting with, just in this case for exmp write /whois N->PRESS TAB the name will autofill and with actually be the name of the one you are talking with, no the one you think you are

6. Dont be the scammer, you will gain only some not merited merchandise but will be hated by everyone, even if in your RL everyone hates you and you dont mind being hated here.. just think of this as a second chance where you will have the possibility of not being hated

Chapter II Ingame Trading.. Just trade with the people you know or buy from the market... there isnt any protecting mechanism from scammer's when you trade with shouts and PM.

And I will not forger neither this time my soon to be usual last part of article: The Porn

And as alaways you can help with a shout :

Do you even trade bro