100 Most Important eAmericans: No. 1-80

Day 568, 19:30 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy

With some nudging from a certain princess and others, I will publish the rest of the rankings that I had developed for the list of important eAmericans. I can make arguments about how I slotted different individuals for these rankings if necessary but like I've said before it's subjective. Additionally, I should note it was fun when I started to publish these lists but the amount of work required with only the satisfaction of completing such a long process for myself and others has proven to not be rewarding enough. I don't wish to invest any more time in writing bios or formating but I also don't want this to remain open-ended without finishing the list. And that’s the tough part about publishing something so final; knowing when to let it go.

The following is the intro I wrote for this series of articles for all those unacquainte😛
After some time I’ve decided to revisit the 50 most important eAmericans lists that I published months ago and today, 17 April 2009, I will release the first part of the expanded tome of great Americans. I was surprised to learn the original list is among the longest and largest pages of the wiki. It can be found here. I can say with confidence that that list will pale in comparison to this one.

First, I want to say that all fifty of the originals make the list and are more or less the same unless they have done something in the interim that affects them positively or negatively. I will largely avoid revisionism because of the case of Jim Thorpe. He was voted the greatest athlete of the first half of the 20th century but was bypassed by Babe Ruth and others when there was voting for the century’s greatest athlete. Nothing changed but the contemporaries died and later generations bought the Ruthian mystique. I wish to avoid such an error. There are exceptions however; I under-ranked Platonic and Joeph Cole, for instance. Thus, it is a balancing act between the originals and the new additions that make the top 100. Much of the following comes from the original article explaining selection and ranking.

I have undertaken a somewhat audacious process of trying to create a list of the 100 most important eAmericans of all time. They are politicians, economists, journalists, philosophers, business owners, and warriors and their contributions—for better or worse—have helped to shape today’s United States.

This list is by no means perfect. It cannot be because it is a subjective ranking of very different individuals. However, I have attempted to balance between the primacy and recency of various candidates. I have included individuals for single great acts or for cumulative achievement. Preference was given to those that are in America and activity was considered. Additionally, I have weighed and deliberated over many members of our society. From that, I cut it down to a smaller list and from there, I reached the select 100. I won’t lie; the initial list was so long that I had to go back and check why some of the names were on it. Nevertheless, I will release segments of the list in a serial format with bios of the different members. I would encourage new players to read and learn the history of some of the country’s most colorful individuals. I would also like to encourage other citizens to offer their thoughts on the list and the rankings. Additionally, please subscribe to receive notification of the latest release. I won’t make any promises regarding upcoming releases because school work comes first and it’s becoming busy.

And now the rankings:

1 - Dishmcds
2 - Benn Dover
3 - Nave Saikiliah
4 - Justinious McWalburgson III
5 - Korbin King
6 - Roby_Petric
7 - Archibald
8 - TGM / Teacher / Franco
9 - Uncle Sam
10 - Platonic
11 - Emerick
12 - Scrabman
13 - Immunogenic
14 - Desertfalcon
15 - Pearlswine
16 - Esoom
17 - Daphne Lilac
18 - PrincessMedyPi
19 - CJ will win
20 - Buzzythecat
21 - Moishe
22 - Peregrine
23 - Eugene Harlot
24 - Joeph Cole
25 - Publius
26 - Martin Sunter
27 - Maalygos
28 - GeekyGator
29 - Evan Bayh
30 - One Eye
31 - Gordon Doolittle / John Jay
32 - Peter Gibbons
33 - TheSupernatural
34 - Kyle321n
35 - Vos
36 - Rocco Baldelli
37 - Diarmuid Trelsman
38 - Navy II
39 - Leroy Combs
40 - Nathan Woods
41 - Ron Paul
42 - Took Lowind
43 - Lukasz Makowski
44 - ProggyPop
45 - Time
46 - Ian John Locke IV
47 - istarlan
48 - Peter Green
49 - Inwegen
50 - Lucios Nava
51 - King Waseem / whac
52 - InfernoSD
53 - Ananias
54 - Rise
55 - Sukoidha
56 - Citizen HEM
57 - Kronas
58 - ExoM7
59 - Geno Garon
60 - Angrr
61 - Dexter Jones
62 - Donovonator
63 - John Dilinger
64 - Kokach
65 - Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Novecento
66 - Leo Ruby
67 - Sadeh Badeh
68 - Anti-Change
69 - Joe DaSmoe
70 - Alucard Bloodlust
71 - Jewitt
72 - coblin / Tyrsis
73 - Kenneth Sutton
74 - Equality 7-2521
75 - Bl1ndn3ss
76 - William Shafer
77 - Jordan Miller
78 - NoneSuch
79 - Miguelguerin
80 - Daks

I encourage new players to search the wiki and ask elder players about the important eAmericans and their contributions to our history. And with that, I guess I can officially become a two-clicker and begin enjoying a break. Best of luck to all of you and thanks for reading.