10 Reasons to join the Airborne

Day 2,369, 10:33 Published in USA USA by seeker1

1. The Airborne is an elite fighting force.

2. The Airborne is an awesome community.

3. There someone to party with on IRC 365/24/7.

4. We have BBQ.

5. You get 18 Q7 weps each day.

6. The Airborne is self-supporting. We rely only on our troops to keep us going.

7. The Airborne has exciting platoon v platoon contests 4 times per year.

8. Airborne soldiers are active.

9. Did I mention: We have BBQ.

10. If you join, our CO might interview you and publish the interview in this newspaper.


Minimum requirement: 15,000 Strength
Application: Airborne Application
Public IRC channel: #Airborne

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