10 newspapers to subscribe to, Part 2

Day 925, 19:00 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
Yes, I'm running for Vice President.
Please read the brilliant platform by my running mate, Chocolate McSkittles.

A few months ago, I wrote an article promoting some up and coming writers, trying to get them a media mogul. I'd like to renew that series. Some of the original 10 have reached their long-deserved goal, other writers have written quality work lately and deserve to be read.

This list is NOT comprehensive. Not only am I limiting this to 10 so this isn't tl;dr, but I'm probably forgetting some quality newspapers. Post in the comments or PM me if you want to be included in a future installment. I'm also excluding anyone who already has a media mogul award, since part of the purpose of this article is to help others get a medal. Winning a media mogul is still one of my proudest achievements in this game.

This is also an effort to promote media -- newspapers are one of my favorite parts of this game, and any active citizen should have one to express his or her thoughts.

Here's today's list, sorted by number of subscribers:

The Express Delivery, written by the Pony Express (708 subscribers). They regularly link to important articles and propaganda articles in foreign countries. If you don't read, at least vote these up to help our media.

The Speakers' Word, written by Congress, currently Ben Failey (525 subs). It looks like Congress will be using this newspaper more, let's see what they're up to.

Change You Can Believe in, written by Michael Porter (514 subs). Michael is much more than the best campaign manager ever, he knows the game and plays it the way it was meant to be played. He often writes informational articles and occasionally troll articles that are entertaining.

American Beat, written by Fingerguns (467 subs). She's entertaining, knows the political scene, and has captured the hearts of many Americans.

The Paper Mache, written by Gulden Draak (439 subs). Seriously, Gulden is one of our country's top up-and-coming writers. He writes all types of articles.

Knightly World News, written by Cecil Knight (330 subs). He's only recently started writing regularly, but his newspaper is a great way to catch up on the battles going on all over the world.

The Way I See It, written by Fionia (284 subs). Fionia has been Speaker of the House and knows politics better than almost anyone. She's a good read too.

The Situational Irony, written by Serendipitous (237 subs). His most recent article alone is worth a sub, trying to ease military-congress relations.

The Crying Noob, written by Herr Vootsman (164 subs). Voots is the Secretary of the Interior and writes awesome guides for new players. Must read, or at least vote them up when he publishes something new.

Totally Legit News, written by Devon Donaldson (86 subs). Devon makes fun drawings and knows the game pretty well, as he shows in his articles and on the eUS forums.

That's today's 10. Hopefully the next installment comes quicker than this one.

Thank you all for reading.