1. Parties and voting

Day 572, 11:08 Published in Australia Australia by The Old Oak
1. Parties and voting

i- voting system
ii- parties
iii- party presidency
iv- further reading

i- voting system

Once you reach level six, you can start making a change, a real change, to your country by voting. Elections are held on the same date once a month. Party Presidents are elected on the 15th, Senators on the 25th and Country Presidents on the 5th. To vote, you don't need to part of a party, you just navigate to Community and Elections.

ii- parties
Now, let's talk about political parties. They are simply a group of people that share the same political ideals. To join a party, go to My Places and select Party. You can switch parties whenever you want, so don't worry about picking the wrong one too much. Each party has a president, and by navigating to their profile, you can usually find a newspaper containing a Manifesto, an article outlining the direction the party will take for the next month.

Let's take a look at party political Orientations. These are a representation of the beliefs of the party founders, and can be found in your party homepage, in the Info section. The first one represents economic policy and the second social policy. Economically, the closer to the left the orientation is, the more the government is going to control the market. The social orientation displays how much control the government has on the people.

On a final note : do not donate gold to a party, as the party cannot use it, and it would just be lost.

iii- party presidency

To be elected party president, you need to be a member of a party obviously, and have two gold. You simply click Candidate and that's it. It is usually a good idea to write some kind of article to tell the other members why they should vote for you. If there is a tie in the number of votes, the candidate with the highest experience will win. If there are no candidates, the current president or, in case there is no current president, the member with the most experience points will become president.

As a party president, you can change party details, select candidates for Senate and choose to support the party presidential candidate or another party's.

When founding a party, you automatically become the president. It will cost 40 gold to do so.

iv- further reading

There are few articles on the political system, and most of the interesting information is found in the wiki. For instance, you can have a look at the following articles : Elections, parties, Party members, Party presidency and voting system.

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