1.3 : The Forest for the Trees

Day 2,029, 21:23 Published in USA USA by Ludonarr
Mood music to get us started

If you can, grab a drink. It will likely make this all easier.

After the soreness created by this month's CP Unity process, it was decided that folks should come together in discussion and attempt to hash out a new process to guide us until such time as Unity can be ended (hopefully soon).

While I support it, having called for something similar over a week ago, thus far I am disappoint.

At the time I said, "I see sniping and snark, buttsoreness and pettiness. I see folks going around like their shat don't stink and they've never done an underhanded thing in their eRep career. It reeks of dysfunction, disunity, and hypocrisy."

Seven days later and not much has changed.

No specifics here folks, sorry. You want the juicy details, go ask someone else you hyenas. I only brought it up to ease into the topic of Unity, what is being done about it, and what we should be doing about it.

Currently in vogue is the notion that Unity primaries should be done as a popular vote instead of the electoral system we currently use. The argument being that it is more fair, democratic, etc and helps us to avoid the mess we had this month.

You can find elsewhere quality articles detailing the merits of this system, and I have no doubt that for some, this would be very appealing. However, more than anything it seems a near sighted, knee-jerk reaction to one particular incident.

Popular vs. electoral is a debate that has permeated RL American politics for quite some time and it is not without merit. Any system worth its salt should be continually examined and challenged. Same is true for eRep.

Simply put, I believe we should stick with an electoral system. I believe it offers benefits that a popular vote just does not and avoids pitfalls that seem readily apparent in a popular vote.

Equitable - There is a reason we use this system in RL as well (flawed as it may be). Electoral provides more incentive for candidates to campaign and address concerns of smaller T4 parties and 6th parties. Popular vote will give no such incentive. Some have said this just gives incentive for parties to boost meta activity, but until that happens it will be a windfall for the largest/most active parties party.

Easy - It is what we already do, hence we already have most of the structures in place. I firmly believe Unity needs to be scrapped/improved, but we do not need to develop new structures and bureaucracies to achieve our goals. If we are seeking a fix that will hopefully not be needed for long, why reinvent the wheel when we can just keep rolling with what we have?

Flawed - The popular vote system that is, at least as proposed. Our goal here is to create the most secure and "fair" Unity system possible. So far the discussion seems to be focusing on the latter rather than the former. If our new system doesn't protect against PTO and other threats as well as the current system, what's the point?

Those are my three main points, but I will also note that maintaining a system akin to how things are done in game would be ideal. In game candidates win party endorsements, this has little to do with popular vote counts. Some would say that not doing a popular vote could cause folks to be disenfranchised and not vote on election day, but honestly the same thing could happen with an electoral system. Butthurt will be butthurt regardless.

Finally, I feel that modifications to the current electoral system could better bring 6th parties into the fold and give them a seat at the table with everyone else. As it is now we offer them the crappy folding card table in the den and expect them to be grateful to us.

That's all for me, if you made it this far, go have another drink. You've earned it



Making changes to Unity is not something that should be done without much thought and consideration of all options. Unfortunately, it seems that many are in a hurry to make changes and are thus receptive to the first thing put in front of them. Maybe I am becoming an Ent here, but this all seems very hasty. I would rather do nothing than rush through something that is less than helpful simply to say we took action.