08/04/09 Interview with Minamoto

Day 622, 23:09 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas
Hello and welcome to the interview, my name is Fae. Before we begin with the questions could you please introduce yourself to the readers.

Thanks Ms. Fae. I'm Minamoto Yoritomo, a Captain of the Japanese Imperial Expeditionaries and Ambassador to Singapore and Malaysia.

Thank you for that introduction. I will now begin to ask you a series of general questions. As to not favor one candidate over the other in responses I will not be asking any follow up questions to your responses. Furthermore, I will simply ask the questions already prepared, all you have to do is reply. Since this is the case, I ask that you try to be as clear as possible when answering the questions I have for you today. Thank you.

The first series of questions have to do with you as a player. Let’s begin with our first question:

Why did you decide to run for president?

Well, getting things done and moving things along have always been difficult in Japan. I had many people telling me to run last election but I decided against it since there was a big emphasis on President Kokawayoshi Makoto. However, myself and others were disappointed with yet another largely inactive term. Some noted that asking things of the President would not even get a response. So, this election, I aimed to (in the very least) provide some competition and stir up some amazing campaigns that the newly elected President would have to stick to- I even asked some others to run for this purpose. It's a chance for all the people I talk to every day (and those I don't) to finally be heard. A President is employed by his/her nation, and so the nation should have a voice.
So, I run for Presidency for Japan.

Which is more important to you - supporting a friend or ally that is doing something wrong, or staying true to your values and fighting for what is right?

If they were doing something wrong, I would never help them do it. I'd try to talk some sense into them. I like the values we share in Japan and I don't think they should be given up without exhausting all options first.

How do you intend to prevent personal matters (friendships, emotions, popularity, etc.) from affecting your ability to make decisions for this eCountry?

Well, any friend of mine wouldn't take any of my actions personally I believe (perhaps politically though, which I welcome). I like to believe that my emotions rarely get the better of me and that most of the time, I am calm and level headed- so unless someone is particularly nasty, I can usually talk it out. As for other personal matters: It's a nice feeling when people like you, but you can't always say "Oh, alright then". If people respect you as an ally or leader, then these things shouldn't matter much. As for people that I may not particularly like, I don't think this would affect my judgement when making decisions.
I hope I covered all that you were looking for there.

What experience do you have in eRepublik and how does this affect your candidacy?

I'm a Captain in the JIA, and ultimately, after Pete1 left for another country because of the state of affairs in Japan, I ended up dealing with and managing everything in the army. Again, I've found that improving things under the current administration is difficult. I was a Cabinet member (Secretary of PR) under President Kokawa before I resigned. I managed and wrote the early NnK articles and administrated the forum bonus, adding things like the expenses sheet the Cabinet forum (Which was undeniably empty by the way). I also own a company with jbic75, which we use to raise funding for our Army because the issue wasn't developing the way most of us had hoped. I never joined a party before I decided to run for Presidency (You need to be in a party to run) mainly because I hate to fix my ideology in one place and senseless argue for it without considering all points. I'm always growing and so is Japan in some way or another.
I'm also a long time Ambassador to Singapore and Malaysia.
So, I beleive I have leadership and teamwork qualities, attention to detail, good organisational skills and a sense for many of the eRepblik mechanics such as economy, warfare, politics and writing.

How are you helping your country right now?

Getting the army up and running: I issued a Roll Call for soldiers to answer to, created a database of active troops, helped split them into teams (Thanks to Geno for offering his assistance there!), updated our graphical structure, planned an operation and wrote all the necessary mails and documents.
I used to be an idea factory- always "we could do this and that which will help here" but I was always met with opposition. I then started to take my ideas to the President but never received replies- not evena Cabinet position helped. At this point, I gave up and aimed straight for the top- running for Presidency. So I believe that by doing this, it will help our country.

People say the President is usually the face of the country when the country is engaged in the diplomatic relations with other country. What will make you the good face of the country?

I'm friendly and largely impartial. I'm willing to liason with anybody and listen to them.

What do you plan to do should you not win?

Try again next month and continue work at the army as usual! A lot depends on the leadership that is elected into office, but I'd probably push for those policies I want to see and the projects that I've been trying to get operational for some time.

Should the masked vigilantes who call themselves the 'Sparkling Justice V' give themselves up to the police?

Never! With the lack of country specific judicial support here in the New World, we all rely on them to battle the terrors of Japan that surface every now and then!

If there's something strange - Godzilla, for example - in your neighborhood, who are you going to call?

Sparkling Justice V! *Ques the theme tune*
And the JIA too as support! hehe

To begin our series of domestic questions, we will start out with questions pertaining to your Cabinet.

So your first domestic question is: Who will you put in your cabinet and why?

I planned to make this an article, but seeing as the question is here, I suppose I'll answer it now!

1) Vice President: Jbic75 (confirmed)
2) Minister of Defense: KITA Ikki (confirmed)
3) Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lauri Mursu (confirmed)
4) Minister of Finance: Yusuke (confirmed)
5) Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry: Akki (not confirmed)
6) Minister of Health, Education and Welfare: Ryuu Toumori (confirmed)
7) Minister of Internal Affairs (Civil Admin): Reiji Mitsurugi (confirmed)
😎 Secretary of Culture and Events: -

1) As I mentioned earlier, I run a company with jbic75 for the JIA. He has proved to me that he is not only trustworthy, but excellent at relieving some of the burden of management. Even though his views usually differ (take alook in the Indo declassified thread for example) I find I can still rely on him, and in fact, I need someone around with a different point of view so that things don't get one sided.

2) Everyone knows how commited Congressman KITA Ikki is to not only Japan, but to the JIA. He likes to get things done and that's what we need!

3) Lauri Mursu expressed interest in foreign affairs to me. I explained to him all my requirements and asked him about his position in the world and it all seemed in good order. He frequents key channels, is a growing figure in PEACE and knows his world affairs and their histories every time I ask him about something.

4) Many of you may know Yusuke and his interest in the finances of Japan. While he may not be the most experienced, he is enthusiastic, taking the initiative (he showed me some of the records he created and they were great) and eager to get things done. I believe giving Yusuke this opportunity will further his experience and daancement in the New World.

5) Unfortunatlely, I haven't been able to contact Akki for some time and I'm not sure if he'd be willing to lend me his abilities and knowledge about Trade and Industry. But he'd be agreat help as I know he's commited to seeing that the economy in Japan is healthy.

6) Ryuu Toumori has been itching to get involved in things in Japan. He's currently directing the mentoring program and so he is the natural choice for this job. He's enthusiastic and will go places, given the chance.

7) Reiji is doing a great job with the NnK That's why he should have this position. He may wish to have people help though, since there are quit a few responsibilites in the Ministry.

😎 I don't hav anyone for this spot yet. I asked Oraizan and she said no, I then asked Tanaka and he said he couldn't due to lack of time. So I'm not sure. If anyone would like this position, send me a mail detailing why you want it. Thanks

Additionally, which government organizations (National Bank of Japan, Japanese Interior Service, Japanese Imperial Army, Japan Election Commission, Sempai-Kouhai Program ect) will be controlled by which members of the cabinet?

*National Bank of Japan - Ministry of Finance (Yusuke)
*Japanese Interior Service - Ministry of Health, Education and Welfare (Ryuu Toumori)
*Japanese Imperial Army - Ministry of Defense (KITA Ikki)
*Japan Election Commission - Ministry of Internal Affairs (Reiji Mitsurugi)
*Sempai-Kouhai Progam - Ministry of Health, Education and Welfare (Ryuu Toumori) --- This may conflict with with Japanese Interor Service. Will have to talk it over with Toummori-san should I succeed in the elections.
*Nihon no Koe - Ministry of Internal Affairs (Reiji Mitsurugi)
*Japanese Embassy - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Lauri Mursu)
*National Japanese Lottery - Department of Culture and Events (still uncertain)
*Japanese Events Office - Department of Culture and Events (Still uncertain) --- The creation of this will be delayed whilst I find out what is happening with the Japanese Holiday Association.

The last three on the list are new.

Should Cabinet members keep quiet about matters that do not fall under their responsibility?

No, of course not. My Cabinet would be a team at the end of the day as opposed to being confined to just one area of governance. However, they have a responsibility first and foremost to their respecive Ministries and what they represent.

If people in your Cabinet were acting inappropriately or not doing their job, how would you handle the situation?

Take them aside and find out what the problem is first and try to help them with it. If it's something that cannot be resolved, then I would ask them to resign and find a replacement more suitable. It might seem harsh, but it's not fair to Japan otherwise.

Do you feel there is a conflict of interest if Cabinet members are also members of congress?

Nope. Congresspersons come from all walks of life- whether they be Businessmen, Journalists or Cabinet members, if their heart is in Japan, then they are suited to Congress.

Your Cabinet isn’t the only aspect of government that affects a presidency. The role of Congress is also important so we shall move onto Questions concerning congress.

Do you believe that members of congress are given the will of the people, or perhaps just the privilege to represent some of the people?

Members of Congress are given the priviledge of representing the people that agree with them. And therefore, they become a medium for those citizens to exercise their will. So in a way- both.

Should members of congress be held liable for what they say in public?

Yes. They are part of the Japanese government. They should accept criticism and/or praise where it's due. If nobody speaks up about important issues, nothing will change for the better.

Should a president be held liable for the words and actions of congress members?

Indirectly, yes. It is the Presidents responsibility to ensure his/her goverment runs smoothly. However, there are things that are beyond the control of the President, and one must not forget that.

Do you believe the President has the final decision to attack a country, or is that a role of Congress?

Well now, I believe the final decision should be made after taking the opinion of the country into account. Since Congress represents the country, it is their collective decision to decide. However, some citizens may feel left out and so I believe the whole country would need to be polled in some way. Another point I would stress is that the one organising things must be impartial so as not to influence decisions. Careful deliberation is important with these kinds of things, and we should never be hasty because of outside influences. It is our country.

What is the role of the president, in your opinion, in comparison to Congress?

To give direction. To organise things efficiently. To accept the responsibility of the nation as a whole.

Now let us discuss your role in all of this, the role of the president:

What would you say are the three biggest accomplishments of our current president, Kokawayoshi Makoto?

1) The transfer to a cleaner forum. But it was soon neglected.
2) Laying down the foundations of the righteous nation ideology.
3) Promoting transparancy with access to the congress forum

All this was done at the beginning of his first term. I'm not sure he had any plans after that.

What is your opinion on allowing presidents to get elected 3 times in a row?

I believe a successful term will come about from political competition. However, opportunity must be given for those with differing values and methods, so I would prefer if we achieved a stable enough system/structure to elect a new president every month or at most, every 2 months. I would like to see more people stand up and give Presidency a serious go, and enjoy the election process while you're at it too.

Probably Defense. Because it's always trying to improve and it's the most inclusive area right now. I think Finance operates smoothly too because Akki has been doing it for about 7 months or so now I believe. However, there has been little atempt to improve things until recently.

What aspect do you feel needs the most work and why?

It's hard to determine which will need the most work. All departments will need continued dedication to sustain a good government and country. However, Finance, Trade and Industry will probably need a lot of initial input because Finance is tedious and Trade and industry will be new.

What will be your goals in your one-month mandate?

Generally, to lay down a stronger foundation for government work and to include more people in governance.
More information can be seen in my campaign article.

If you could only be sure of completing one thing during this presidency what would that one thing be?

Organising our government for future generations. Laying down simple procedures to promote efficiency and ease of governance.

How do you plan to pay for all the projects or plans you are proposing?

First, I plan to make precise and useful financial information. If I'm elected into government, my team and I will discuss the methosds of raising the income for Japan and then we'll present what we have to everyone. In fact, one of my projects (the National lottery) is a project to bring in some money for the government. I plan to make our finances clear- what we intend to use the nations money for (Yes, I don't want to collect your money for nothing), having sufficient reserves and recording all financial activity.
The JIA funding discussion has been going on for months- if we increase the demand significantly for the weapons market, we may look at increasing weapon tax to balance out the sectors . Kyushu library doesn't need funding as it'll be a forum based project and writing will be voluntary. The mentoring has already started, and while it may need some finance, I believe if we put KITA Ikki's idea to use of employing skill 0 players in useful companies, we can use the products produced there to cancel that out. Upgrading the forum doesn't take any funding either.

Now let us move onto questions will be concerning the Army:

What do you consider the purpose and mission of the Army?

Officially, the purpose of the army is to protect our lands and aid oppressed allies in battle should that be necessary. However, I see the army as another career path we can add to Japan, adding variety and more opportunities for everyone. It's another place where citizens from all walks of life can gather and have fun (eventually, hopefully). It's something which should add activity and culture.

How much do you think the government should spend on the Army per month?

Ideally, around 60 gold. With our current numbers, 30 gold is more appropriate though. Again, careful deliberation is needed when we're clear with finances.

How should the Army be funded?

Through taxation, donations and arms supply contracts.

The final sets of domestic questions are concerning eJapan’s citizens, economy and culture.

What role do you think Japanese culture should play in our nation?

The role of culture is to involve people and to set us apart from the rest of the generic world. It should be something to enjoy, something to participate in and something to talk about.

What is your stance on national security versus the public's right-to-know?

Well, that's a tricky one. I'd hope I wouldn't get into any situations like that. I'm more inclined to share the nations events with the public but of course, there are probably situations where this is not viable. As I mentioned in a response to a question of yours earlier, Ms. Fae, I would take full responsibility and address the nation myself rather than leaving it up to a Cabinet member (I'm looking back at Mr. Geno Garon here) to become the target of everyones rightful frustration and confusion- should I get myself into a ridiculous situation like that, of course; hopefully not.

How would Japan handle citizenship requests under your administration?

To be honest, I haven't thought about this. I suppose we'd set up an office of Immigration under Internal Affairs and determine some guidlines for accepting citizenship applications. What those specific guidlelines would be, I'm unsure of.

Do you believe that all citizens are equal, that we should not elevate one citizen higher than another?

Yes. All citizens have a right to speak out and none should elevate themselves higher than another out of frustration/conveniance/ego/etc. I actually want to get more citizens involved in the governance of Japan.

How are you planning on insuring the growth and strength of Japanese citizens, and Japan as a whole?

Continued wargames, good governance, fair leadership and fun times!

What do you want to do to increase the activity within the country?

Delegate. Give people things to do. Boost our culture and have nice events. Add variety and options.

Should citizens keep quiet about things they don't understand?

Never!! Like I said, it's the citizen right to speak out and it's our duty to listen and understand and take everything they say into consideration. If you don't understand somethnig, it's all the more reason to speak up, so that others that may not understand and have not spoken up can follow your discussion.

What do you want to do to prevent the departure of people like Inferno, Origineel, and Gabriel Lavanche?

Mold the country into something to be proud of. A place where ideas are welcomed and things improve.

Is there anything you want to do against monopolies in the Japanese market?

Nothing in particular. However, we could build internal policies to support trusted small businesses by offering them small bank loans via contract, with their company acting as insurance. It's something to look at, but I don't have any real plans in mind for this

Have you got plans to have more active governmental companies?

I'd like to follow congressman KITA Ikkis idea and make/actvate useful skill 0 companies so the government can use it's produce. Other than that, the ony other time I'd consider a government company would be if it's abroad- this would only happen if we really needed income though.

Will there be increase on tax? if so, in what areas?

I'd rather not make these kinds of decisions without research into Japans finances and economy first. Though, like I said in a previous question, if we provide sustantial demand to one sector, we may look at raising the taxes in that sector. It would be researched and compiled into a report ready for congress and the general public to see and discuss.

What is your stance on Tariffs?

Obviously, I want to protect domestic companies. The Tarffs in place right now look just fine to me. I'd rather not interfere in the market too much.

Now that we have examined your position looking inwards, let’s turn our gaze outwards and discuss international matters:

What are your opinions and policies regarding alliances?

I think alliances are good so long as they aren't abused. Members of the alliance shouldn't be afraid to speak out for what they believe in. I'm interested in making use of an alliance on more than a military level too.

Specifically, what are your policies towards PEACE and Sol and why?

I'd like to gain some influence within PEACE and divert it back to what it was originally supposed to be- a defensive alliance that would suit our nation and the majority of her beliefs ni my opinion.
Sol is a good medium of interaction between the countries that are close to us. It's only natural that we develop close ties with them to ensure regional stability and continued good relations.

I know that Akki and Snayke worked hard on that charter. It is nicely put together. It's stance of regional stability is a good one and many of the smaller countried in our region (such as singapore and South korea when it emerges again) need that reassurance- and I'm certainly one to welcome it. With regards to South Korea, I'd like to work on bringing them into the Alliance in good faith when they are once again independant should thye want this. The best thing about Sol is that are countries become less seperate and it will boost diplomacy.

In your own words, please describe PEACE and explain your reasoning?

PEACE is the model alliance in theory. Promoting global security and freedom from oppression. However, in recent times, this alliance has had to change to keep itself from fallnig apart. It no longer treasures the values it was founded upon. If I could make the slightest difference within PEACE to revert it back to what it was founded upon, I'd be happy.

What is Japan's role in PEACE? How would you visualize their relationship?

I honestly don't know what we do in PEACE. Though I'm aware that we don't have much influence (looking at recent events). I think Japan is there to voice the opinion of our righteous nations but it hasn't been doing it effectively.

If PEACE and Japan find a common enemy, then our relations will grow and PEACE will be stable and stay true to the original values. However, if PEACE fails to find an enemy, it will decay and slowly fall apart if it doens't turn to imperialistic war.

What is your opinion on the lease of Kyushu?

I was always against it. I felt we didn't exhaust all options and that our leaders were to afraid to speak out (mostly because they're nice people and they find it difficult to say no).

What is your stance concerning the Korean refugees, North and South?

They're welcome to seek refuge in Japan. South Koreans have proved that they're outstanding additions to our community and North Koreans haven't done anything wrong.

How would you have handled the Indonesia situation as President?

First of all, I'd show my presence. This wasn't done by our President at the time. I'd be there to deliberate at every conference and my MoFA would always be present. I would exhaust all options and become increasingly blunt as they run out. If in the end, we were literally forced into doing something against our wishes, I'd invite all citizens to join a press conference that I would hold, explaining the situation to them. All participants would have been checked and confirmed.
I would then pressure PEACE through diplomacy and try to gather other PEACE nations to speak out.

To be friendly despite any current events and get an Ambassador in all important countries in the New World.

Do you have any connections to anyone in country other than Japan that is part of the government?

Connections? Well, I know some people from around the New World and have gained aquaintaces in the time I've played (eg. Exom7- President of Singapore, Snayke- President of China, Yann- A French official, AfanasiyDrago- former President of North Korea, Yonai Keiko- former President of South Korea, Gustavius-Malaysian official, Count Adyn- Hungarian Official; not to mention some of the people that moved out of Japan- Pete1, InferoSD, etc)
While I can't say I'm well travelled, I can say that I'm confident in the Cabinet members I've chosen and our combined efforts.

Lastly, the most obvious question that should conclude this interview: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this job, and why should eJapan's citizens trust you with the position?

I think I'm suited to this position because I like detail and organisation. I'm always happy to help and talk to people and I'm confident in my coordination and delegation skills. I have many bright ideas and I'm confident I can be mipartial when making tough decisions that may cause a conflict of interest to my own personal feelings (ie. Firing a Cabinet member because he/she is slacking 😛)
I've never done anything untrustworthy and I've always said what I think.

Thank you very much for your time. Your answers will be openly published for all Japanese Citizens to read in hopes of helping them decide their future president. I wish you good luck with your campaign and the upcoming election.

Thank you for taking the time to interview me, Ms Fae.