001. [Editorial: 1] v1: ZS re-launch

Day 331, 16:00 Published in Japan Japan by Laurana Psion

And so it begins. The long awaited arrival of v1 has come and we all eagerly set out to explore the new face of eRepublik, hoping to discover new depths. Despite my best intentions, the ZS will only be functioning on a sporadic basis, due to the ebb and flow of actual e-news. Furthermore, whispers of a place called RL always prove to be a constant distraction.In any case, v1 is off to a relatively successful start.

Although it stumbled right away on the starting line (eg. the incredibly slow traffic jams, bad directions, mass baggage mix up), it has nevertheless struggled to return to its feet and continues to push on, just like a stubborn donkey plodding along its path for better or worse. It still has problems mind you (eg. dodgy media updates redirection, non functioning food and houses, formatting errors in articles and comments if copied from Word), but the d'Amin hope to sort them out as soon as possible and swifter than ever before.

Just as the d'Amin have been up and active, so have we, the players on the stage of eRepublik. Indeed, I daresay we are amongst the first if not THE first country to attempt an impeachment, albeit an apparently benign one. Further abroad, military action begins anew in Eastern Finland, where Forconin has amassed the 300 Gold needed to start a Finnish resistance against the Norwegian overlords (the so called "fishy people" as one foreign commentator has put it). Although, they have as yet not succeeded, their struggle for liberation shows promise, with the resistance having a "-2042" point difference in their attempt to breach the "wall".

Closer to home, we here at the ZS are also pleased to find that our license to write (and rant and shout) was not revoked and that we will shortly be able to resume a satisfactory output of our trademark articles. We hope that you will find our future articles just as good if not better and continue to support us through very affordable subscriptions and votes, if you think it justified. We apologise for our near month-long media silence, but fear not, for we have not been idle this entire time, as we will hopefully show you in the next few days (unless someone beats us there... 😁)

However, to give you an idea of what is ahead, we will ideally cover in no real particular chronological order: 1. "A commentary and proposal regarding Media"; 2. "General political ideologies - the link between RL and here"; and 3. "A commentary of our current political situation".

Your Discordian but friendly ZS Editor, and (somehow) JLP Member of Congress, Laurana Psion. The ZS wishes you a good start in v1.