Day 852, 19:30 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by AgentChieftain


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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Unfortunately, my hopes that the feud between Fruitcommando and the Pro Pakistani party blowing over by now have not been met. I am not angry, though; I am merely disappointed to see that Pakistan's progression past the woes that I began to solve during my presidency has come to a screeching halt for the past week.

This is how I see your feud, Ahsan and Fruit. You mad? Good, then you're disgusted by your own actions. Now listen closely.

I must confess that this comic is slightly incorrect. In effect, I am the opposite of an idort, as I endorse neither side of this petty squabble. Why? It's simple, really; neither side is working for Pakistan. Both Fruitcommando and Ahsan Shahbaz are working towards their own goals and not the goals of our country. Fruitcommando has nominated Zammuel in spite of the interests of Vento Aureo, and Ahsan Shahbaz is plotting to remove Vento Aureo and Dioism from Pakistan in their entirety. And for what? Certainly not for the interests of Pakistan, and most definitely not for its benefit, either.

We are only halfway into pak_land's term as president, yet I already see both Fruitcommando and Ahsan Shahbaz fighting over Pakistan's next president. Tell me: why are you wasting your time and resources on the presidency when we still have not raised Pakistan's wages? Better yet, why are you wasting time and resources on the presidency when we still haven't reached the congressional elections? Why not save the drama for Encyclopedia Dramatica instead of tainting our media with inane bantering about who trolls who?

Progress hasn't been made towards Pakistan's national issues since pak_land's first week in office, and the outlook for the remainder of his term isn't what I'd call positive if waging political war with Fruitcommando is how he plans to spend his time. Thankfully, pak_land has a good head on his shoulders, and the efforts he has made have been towards funding an MPP, but there is more that needs to be done, and time should not be squandered for the advancement of political parties rather than the advancement of Pakistan.

Oh, and you're more than welcome to argue in the comments this time around. I'll take great pleasure in dismantling both sides of the argument if that's what it will take for Pakistan to remove its head from its own ass. Godspeed.

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