[ZM] Beyond The Left and Right

Day 1,679, 18:03 Published in Japan Austria by Balkan Beast

I ibs bored and haven't done anything for awhile so I will complain about me being ronery. Yes despite habbing friends, I am so ronery 🙁 No one thinks like me :'(

I am so ronery guys, I feel at home nowhere ideologically. The left wing nationalists reject my ideals of militarism, jingoism, glory, national honour, and tradition. Despite this though I do find myself in agreement in just about every other regard, but I haven't subscribed to a single type of socialism like Syndicalism, etc.

The Far right carries those virtues that I just listed, but they are no better than the cosmopolitan left. In fact they are worse, as they are merely tools to be used by capitalists if the bourgeoisie feel that capitalism is about to be ousted from power, which as shown in the past is the only time that fascism is supported by the ruling classes. Disregarding their serfdom to the bourgeois, they are also overly reactionary to a pig disgusting degree. Believing in ignorant portrayals of the so called left, which they are unable to even refute merely calling socialism a lie, and telling revolutionary socialist nationalists to go to ECON101 ;__;.

Yes but even with those faults that isn't all guise. They express blind hate for other nationalities, believe in idiotic theories of racial supremacy while simultaneously dismissing them, and to put it nicely they are fucking retarded. Via independent study I have learned that many fascists have insomnia, which surely must be proof that their breed of fascism must be a mental illness that can only be cured with a long stay in an icy re-education camp 😃

Yep, so I am at home nowhere bros. White Supremacists state side claim to the third position, but this simply isn't the case. It's me, I am truly beyond both the left and the right, they both hate me a little 😃 Well not so much the revolutionary nationalist left, they are at least reasonable and tolerate my views, but dismiss the stated values as superficial, and a trait of the far right.

Now that I'm on a rambling I has something else to say.
Those of you whom suspect me of being some sort of PTOer(I received a PM), you can kindly go to hell :3
I don't have time for such things, hell I rarely get all my clicks in, and I just escaped a country that was being assaulted by far right PTOers that used to stalk me to report constantly ;__;
I am here to sleep, maybe congress if I get in, and if I ever get bored of my other vidya I might help government. Oh and recruiting for carebears secretly via silly articles not like this 😃 .
Yep how about you on the other hand, I find that those whom accuse others of being PTOers tend to be the actual PTOers. Kuruc sereg attempted to label me as a PTOer to have any opposition to their presence labeled as enemies of the state. This seems quite familiar to this 🙂 But its whatevs.

Thank you for listening to me complain, it means a lot that you read the wall of text 😃