[YUUVA] Be Part of a Winning Team

Day 1,918, 04:52 Published in India Canada by Alias Vision

In eRepublik there is no end game. To win, you must set goals and achieve them. If you do, then you are doing the right thing and are successful.

For example, one of my recent goals was to contest and hopefully win PP of YUUVA. In that I was successful and I owe a big debt of gratitude to every citizen who voted for me. Thank you to the friends who provided me with advice and support early and put in a good word or three for me. Finally thank you for giving me a chance. Talk is cheap right? Now I get the opportunity to act and make my mark that way.

And now that I'm PP, I want to share what YUUVA could mean for you.

Political Opportunity.

I won't blow smoke in your face and claim that YUUVA is the best at everything. Very few parties can ever make that claim. However, we can make the claim that we are number one. We have more weight than any other party and so when we say that we will support you in something, that is a powerful guarantee.

YUUVA is your path to political success whether it is learning the ropes to future PP or CP runs or as a successful Congress person. We will teach you how to become a productive decision maker in India.

Last month YUUVA elected 13 Congress members. 9 of those (69%) were first time Congressmen. YUUVA elects more young citizens than any other party.

Our critics will say that electing so many young players can be negative and that it leads to rogue (illegal) proposals. We have listened and we are putting in place a better mentoring system for our candidates. Cadfan, one of our star candidates and current Head of Congress, has published a short and succinct primer useful for anyone contemplating a run for Congress.

Economic Opportunity.

Anyone that has spent any time here knows there is no such thing as an economy. Once in a while there are rumours of a sighting but none yet has provided concrete truth of its existence.

So what is this economic opportunity I speak of? Well Abhinay Gupta, Spiritual Leader and current Vice President of YUUVA, has a program in place right now in which he has agreed to pay 1.5x market wages to any YUUVA member that works for him. All you need to do is talk to him and he will explain his expectations.

50% more salary may not sound like a big deal but it accumulates faster than you think and will make a different long term.

Community Opportunity.

As the largest party in India, to go along with youthful exuberance there is a lot of experience in YUUVA. Some others may try to convince you to leave us because they need more active members. We all need more active members but what you need to decide is what kind of community you wish to join.

We have serious players, silly players, trolls, philosophers, true blooded Indians, expats, foreigners. In short, we are the most diverse and inclusive of parties.

I don't know the reputation I have in the Indian community at large but I make this vow to you. As a leader in YUUVA I will walk down these paths of opportunity with you by my side. I will not patronize you and I will include you in my decision making because I believe that the surest way to retain productive citizens is to give them knowledge and have them help you create a winning environment.

So if any of this sounds good to you... then YUUVA is where you should be!


I know it is early but any candidate that wishes to be considered as a CP candidate MUST inform me by PM to be included in the party selection process.

I will publish an article later with deadlines for the selection process but don't wait, act now.