[YourGov] Opinion Poll Results: Talon Karrde's Presidential Term

Day 1,810, 06:51 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by Astora


Yesterday's poll had a really positive turn out, gathering 44 responses. The spread of answers convey a pretty solid spread of general opinion. I will outline each question and then include a bar graph of the responses with a quick analysis of what I think it shows.

How pleased or displeased are you with the social programs implemented this month?

This question was in relation to programs such as the MoH investment scheme, MoD strikes and the Call to Arms (which, while funded by private money, is managed and supported by the government).

As you can see from the graph, there is a wide spread of responses. However, you can also see a very strong representation in the upper portion with 29 of the votes being 6 or higher. It is obvious that there is an appreciation for the programs that have been implemented and improved during Talon's term. While not quite being perfect, as the 6 votes rating it at 1 show, there's definitely a positive overall reception.

How well do you think Talon dealt with the Irish treaty issue?

This question related to the voiding of the treaty between the UK and Ireland that swapped regions for resource bonuses and resulted in numerous RW's utilised for training and True Patriot medals but also a constant issue of security.

Again, you can see the upper percentile of responses were mainly positive with an identical 29 votes rating Talon's actions 6 or higher, although with many more scoring 10 than in the previous question. This shows that there is a very strong agreement with the way that Talon dealt with this issue. There is some mild discontent shown by the votes lower than 5 but the majority seem to favour his actions.

How effective and valuable do you think the MoF building of the financial reserves has been?

The Ministry of Finance has been working hard to increase the reserves of the UK to ensure our financial stability, enable expenditure and also strengthen our ability to deal with potential invasions.

Once more, there is a resounding positive response with regards to how the MoF has operated and worked this month. It's important to note, however, the 10 votes that rated at 4/5. There is a clearly a rising minority discontent but as the graph shows, the majority are still much in favour of how the MoF has behaved.

How well do you think Talon handled the Germany NE proposal?

With the unexpected proposal of NE from Germany for the recent mission requirement, Talon was forced to make the decision to NE them in retaliation which interfered with an already planning training war with Belgium. He was happy to let Belgium still NE the UK but the situation has proven to be rather contentious for those unhappy with Germany's behaviour.

Starting with the negative, you can see quite a few 0 votes which most likely highlights the feelings shared between a number of citizens that Germany were wrong to NE us without any form of discussion or diplomacy while potentially preventing Belgium from getting their NE. However, the strong positive votes on the other side of the scale are most likely due to Talon's quick reaction to NE against Germany but also approved Belgium to NE us anyway, thus ensuring they could complete their mission.

How do you feel about Talon's regular in-game updates?

Like it says on the tin, this question is in relation to Talon's regular updates via his newspaper to the wider public.

Very self explanatory, as you can see. An overwhelmingly positive response to Talon's in-game updates. These are well received and whoever wins the upcoming election would do well to take note of how valuable they are.

What is your overall feeling about Talon's Presidential term?

A broad question intended to get a feeling for the general perception of how Talon has fared this month.

Indicative of the wider political scene, there is a strong majority vote in Talon's favour, reflective of the votes he achieved at the elections, while minor, but important, votes in the negative showing the feeling of discontent from opposition parties and their members.

That wraps up the polling questions. I hope this is enlightening for those who have read it and I hope it sets a precedent that encourages others to read my future articles. I have tried to remain unbiased as far as analysis is concerned while still including my own opinion.

To wrap up, I'll include a few of the comments that were submitted along with the poll responses. Thanks for reading.

I would be pleased when we still would have had a swap with the Irish. however with the current TW this is no longer an issue.

Not enough new player help, guides and the NHS just aren't enough.

I'm happy with his terms, especially how I've seen him transform from being a behind the scenes guy from my presidential term last December to being one of the most popular and recognised names of the eUK in under a year. I thought his term was great, especially after two poor terms. I think the UK is back on track.

There were some times when I think Talon responded extremely well but I am not totally satisfied with the MoH or the peace treaty with Ireland. Agreeing to a region swap and then pulling out of the deal is, I think, a bit weak. However, overall I think Talon is a great President. I'd like to see him return next time.

Written by Astora