[YCN] - The Secrets of eROC Election 總統大選幕後秘辛

Day 1,085, 00:40 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by ReStar

'YuShan', the highest mountain in Taiwan! 'YCN', the chillest newspaper in Taiwan!
玉山是台灣最高的山! 歪西恩是台灣最冷的新聞! (裡面都是冷掉的新聞..)
Language: English & Chinese(Traditional)



本報才初初創刊就收到來自總統府內的政治秘辛…(有這麼神祕嗎.... XD)
以下請翻至 H83(是版頁數,不是下圍數...)

-- 總統肖像 --
-- The President --

The election of first President of eROC has ended smoothly. YuShan Chill News congratuates Bill, the President, who achieved a complete triumph!

There's an old proverb in Taiwan, "The road to being a politician is the one-way road nobody can return." Anyone who becomes a politician is always examined carefully by his people. We just found a secret from the Office of the President, which is related to the election of the President. See H83 -- this is a page number, not a woman's hip -- but sorry for the comic is in Chinese only (I'll translate it as soon as possible).

【家庭生活】【 LIFE 】

請至eROC總統府向Bill說對不起… (或者你可以試著讀下面的英文說明...XD )

Signboar😛 "Very Slow Golden Sweetsop (很慢的黃金釋迦)"

(A) Sweetsop: A kind of tropical fruit
(B) Golden Sweetsop: A breed of sweetsop via variety improvement in Taiwan

This is Golden Sweetsop.

What does the "Very Slow" golden sweetsop mean?

In Taiwanese, "Very Slow (很慢的)" is pronounced like "Just Picked Off (現採的)"...




《Student on Duty in YCN》WanWan

YuShan Chill News invites all the most famous comic roles from Taiwan to be the show-girls in YCN.


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