[WYD] No, no, Sperry, thank YOU for the fish (Day 1654)

Day 1,654, 13:39 Published in USA Canada by Addy Lawrence

A hero has fallen.

I used to play Age of Mythology a long time ago. I was a huge Age of Empires fan and I anxiously awaited the release of AoM. I was very disappointed with it and shelved the game shortly after buying it. Years later, my son dusted it off and took it up. If you play the Greek civ, there are hero characters you can create and when they die in conflict, the PC mournfully acknowledges the death with a statement: a hero has fallen. As my son would play the game, this is the only phrase or soundbyte from the game that would catch my attention and cause me to pause what I was doing and wander over to him and his game, to see what was going on.

Sperry's announcement today stirred the same emotions in me as the sound byte of that game.

I play eRep now as a lone wolf, going about my business pursing some epersonal goals, somewhat looking for a way to quit, somewhat looking for a reason to stay, actively observing what’s going on, deliberately seeking anonymity by becoming part of the background, but surfacing and taking action at selected times to maintain my course with edestiny, whatever that is. Sperry's announcement has prompted me to act.

Very little is known at this juncture as to why Sperry, currently the CP of eCan, has decided to step back from the game, but his latest article clearly outlines that he is leaving and not seeking re-election.

Sperry, or CPerry as I’ve been calling him, has been a tremendously positive influence on the eCan community this term and I was optimistic that he’d stay another term and raise the bar; eCanada really needs it in my opinion. Unfortunately, this will not happen.

Sperry has served two tremendously successful terms as CP of eCan has earned his place on our Mt. Rushmore. He's legit.

I don’t know if you’ll read this Sperry, but I understand completely why you are doing this. I had a friend in this game, devilcarrier who has since left the game, who wrote stories in his paper and maintained a narrative of citizens in eCan, specifically members of the CPF, and when a citizen would spend less time in game and more time in RL, he would call it a “reality trance”, that the ecitizen was in a deep sleep and dreaming and their RL life experiences were that dream. When someone plays this game as intensely and effectively as Sperry has the past term, the line between RL and eRep can get blurred and at its very core, this is not healthy.

I don’t think that Sperry is in an unhealthy state with respect to his relationship with eRep, I don’t think I ever have been either for that matter, but I believe that he has questioned the balance between RL and eRep enough times over the past few weeks that he realized he had to make a change, and the prudent and healthy one is the one path he took.

Good night, sweet prince.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!