[WTP] This Is How We Do Things

Day 2,221, 01:41 Published in USA USA by Tanishq

Hello, everyone!

First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone who supported me in my successful campaign for party president. I look forward to serving you all to the best of my ability in this new capacity and anticipate great things to come!

I’ve some very exciting plans for this term that I’ll lay out in more detail later on in the article. But first, let me introduce (most of) my cabinet for this term…


Vice president: Hale26
Chief of Staff: Disco Musolini
Treasurer: Mazzy Cat

Census director: K9Fun661
Communications director: Triwolf03
FTW director: Mazzy Cat
Member Relations director: Geronimo100
Mentoring director: The Mike
Retention director: Geronimo100
Tech director: Mike Ontry

Together, we (along with all the other wonderful people who help keep our party running smoothly) hope to accomplish much in the next few weeks, strengthening and uniting our constituents and bringing this party to life!

Term Goals

In my campaign article, I laid out three main goals for the term: to take a revised approach to recruiting, increase our media presence, and increase party activity. Today, I’ll tackle the last two objectives in more detail, presenting and proposing several ideas and potential solutions to each point.

Goal: Increased Media Presence

In the spirit of encouraging effective communications and the free flow of ideas between and among party members, we’ll be reviving the Hale26-era Communication Trident policy. Essentially, what this initiative entails is a three-pronged approach focusing on personal, community-oriented, and national modes of communication.

On the more personal side of things, our Communications director, Triwolf03, will be sending out weekly newsletters allowing members of We The People the chance to receive party updates and respond directly to leadership with any questions or comments they may have.

To reach the WTP community as a whole, I plan to post daily updates in the party shout feed so interested members can keep up with the latest developments!

Finally, and most importantly, I expect to maintain a consistent national media presence through weekly party president addresses and semiweekly leadership publications in order to inform the general public of our progress. Furthermore, I hope to encourage the production of quality media through the WTP Writers Guild and anticipate the possibility of holding national writing initiatives, as well.

Goal: Increased Party Activity

We’ve already got a few ideas in motion as far as enhancing party activity, including a revived FPS program (assigning points for forum and shout feed activity), new forum games, and a little free-tank-per-post program we’ll call BLITZEN. Be on the lookout for these and other initiatives, and make sure you’ve joined our forums for maximum fun!

Feed The World - Phase II

WTP is hiring! While We The People continue to Feed The World, we’ve decided to offer well-paying jobs to party members in order to boost production and support our memberbase. Check out Mazzy Cat’s latest article for more details!

Be sure to vote and comment on the DoD Paper when you apply to the program for free food!

Congressional Elections

The 25th of December is approaching, which means one thing that we've all been waiting for: Congressional Elections!

We The People have opened our applications and we are looking for interested and active eAmericans who would like to make a positive contribution to the 73rd Congress.

Members of We The People who have not served in Congress before are asked to fill out the application here: http://tinyurl.com/WTPNewCongress

Members who have previously served as part of We The People's delegation to Congress & Oblige are asked to fill out the application here: http://tinyurl.com/WTPOldCongress

The new Congress member application includes a brief quiz on game mechanics and the happenings in the eWorld. Answers can be found on the eUSA Forums and the eRep Wiki.

Applications will close at 1800 eRepublik time on December 20th (Day 2222), after which we will publish an article with our applicants and the results of their applications and open our Congressional Primary.

We The People want candidates and ultimately Congress members who can be active and involved in making Congress a place where voices are heard for the improvement and strengthening of the eUSA!

New Party Work Application

I strongly feel that having active and involved members is crucial to our party’s growth and indicative of great strength. I welcome those who are interested in serving We The People to help take ownership of our party and fill out this application to get started!

As you can see from my goals for the term, there is much work for We The People to do, but many hands make light work. We The People want all of our members to be involved in shaping our programs and shaping the bright future of our party.

Thanks for reading! INSURGIO~


Party President, We The People
Editor-in-Chief, WeRepublik

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