[WTP] Congressional Hopefuls: January 2014

Day 2,254, 07:56 Published in USA Russia by Geronimo100

Good day people, here are the official applicants for We The People, January Congressional Primaries. You'll vote, and decide of their faith, our primaries are of the preferential ballot.
This month we have some new people, some old timers are returning and there are well known WTPers.

After the primaries are over, votes will be counted and candidates will be set on congress roster. Their place on the roster is directly connected with the number of votes they receive on the ballot.

Primaries will be opened later today, and this article will be updated accordingly.

Congress Primary elections are OPEN
cast your votes here: http://www.ereptools.tk/elections/
(closing on Thursday January 23, 2014 at 15:20 EREP)

We The People, meet your Congress hopefuls!

Ingame54 ~105%

Why do you want to be a member of Congress?
I was an AMP congressman in the non-kongress kongress, I wanted to try it again the following month but didn't have the time. Now I've moved to WTP and since I do have a lot of time on my hands I want to try it again and help out.

What will set you apart as a Congress member?
Well I have the time, I want to help out and prove myself.

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
I just got here no more than a month ago so I still haven't had a job in WTP.

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
I was a non-kongress kongressman, I've been part of AMP leadership for a few months as a deputy in the retention and recruiting department.

Triwolf03 ~105%


Why do you want to be a member of Congress?
I want to participate more in the politics of the country.

What will set you apart as a Congress member?
I am able to be objective when making decisions and will offer a different perspective on old and new issues.

Are you able or willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
I am currently the Director of Communications for WTP. I have held the job for the past 3 terms..

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
I was briefly eUSA's Ambassador to eIreland.

George Kenney ~95%

Why do you want to be a member of Congress?
I just joined the game so I'm still learning the ropes and doing a lot of reading. Most people say congress does nothing but I figure it might be a good place to start 🙂

What will set you apart as a Congress member?
My ability to learn fast and my willingness to do it.

Are you able or willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
I have no party job yet but I did ask our Party President for something to do and help the party.

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?

Soil3d ~16%

Why do you want to be a member of Congress?
It's over a year I were last time at eUS Congress, so it would be a time to rejoin there and see what have been done and what does not.

What will set you apart as a Congress member?
Nothing, really.

Are you able or willing to use IRC ?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
If putting MazzyCat in a hat is a title... that.

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
Every MU in USAF, QM Career, PXO, PCO, Deputy NSC and member of NSC, one of the longest running Arm America Director, few times Congress member etc etc.

Returning Congressional Hopefuls

The Mike

Why do you want to be reelected?
Being part of congress is one of the few things to make you feel alive in eRepublik 😛

Why should you be reelected?
Because I can and am contributing to the debates.

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
Mentoring Director since I was appointed by Hale back in the spring.

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
Commander of the Ultramarines for a while, Executive Commander in the rest of the time. Since July 2013.


Why do you want to be reelected?
Time for back!

Why should you be reelected?
eUSA need new MPPs. Community needs to make a choice with democracy. I hate elitism!

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
WTP Shout Hawk

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
3 terms in eUS Congress


Why do you want to be reelected?
I enjoyed the time in Congress and the work with the "constituents" I did. It's a shame I didn't get to do more of it on part of the busy time of the year.

Why should you be reelected?
I was consistently active on the Congress boards during my time there. I've also served as Leadership for our delegation, repealed State's Rights, assisted with various laws...etc.

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
Current WTP Vice Party President
Current WTP Director of Recruitment

Former Party President X4
Former Director of Internal Affairs (Comms, Census and Retention) X4
Director of Communications X3
Created every department and position in the party...


What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
dCoS in the Naz Admin

Former AirForce Commanding Officer for 2 terms.
(Created near all structure, staff and positions)

Congressman X4 (?)

SoE and (fmr) Eventful CO of Rogue Squadron.


Why do you want to be reelected?
I think I've been one of the more vocal and active members of WTP's congressional delegation and I want to continue fighting the good fight.

Why should you be reelected?
I'm active, don't let emotional arguments detract from facts, and ensure we are doing what's best for the eUS.

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
Former Recruiting Director

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
3 time SECDEF, 3 time Congressman, 1 time Deputy Speaker

Franklin Stone

Why do you want to be reelected?
To aid America and my party

Why should you be reelected?
To help America

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
WWG Media

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?


Why do you want to be reelected?
Congress access is cool bnz.

Why should you be reelected?
I'm pretty awesome when I'm not being an ass.

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
Everything from top to bottom including CP.

Disco Musolini

Why do you want to be reelected?
I've enjoyed the past several months in Congress and would enjoy another term.

Why should you be reelected?
In addition to feeling I have a fairly solid grasp of game mechanics, I feel that I am a civil voice. I am fairly good at keeping track of the goings on in Congress and contribute when I feel it is beneficial. I also feel that I will be a reasonable vote as we move towards new alliances in this New World.

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
I have served as Chief of Staff for a couple months. I have also assisted with WTP elections work and have donesome Feed the World quartermaster work.

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
In addition to 3 terms in congress, I am Secretary of Defense and former Air Force Commanding Officer. In the past I’ve served as Reserve Division CO in the USTC.


Why do you want to be reelected?
To continue to serve in the capacity that I have the previous month, mainly making an effort to keep Congress hilarious.

Why should you be reelected?
I have not missed a sign-in and have only missed a single inconsequential vote.

Are you able or willing to use IRC?
Yes, and I use IRC frequently.

What positions or roles have you held in WTP? Do you hold any positions/roles at the moment?
Party President x2, Vice Party President x2?, Spokesman x2, Adviser (x6?)

What eUS past experience do you have in terms of positions, roles, experience, etc.?
Secretary of Homeland Security (10 days), eNPR Host / Director (4 terms)