[WTP] Cholan for Congress

Day 2,192, 20:04 Published in USA Poland by Subash Cholan

Its a while since I have published an article. Anyway I writing one now since this time I am running for Congress Elections from the party I'm in and the party which I love the most which is none other than We The People. I'm not too good at writing Manifestos but I consider to do it because its a important thing to share few things about myself before doing something big and to let everyone know that a person called 'Cholan' is running for congress and the right decision for you to take is to support him with votes.

I'm not an expert Politician and I don't bring big changes. I'm not a person who always returns with victory, but I'm a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights and welfare of all.

Little Bit About Myself
* I am from India in RL. I am studying and working as Freelance Photographer.

* I am playing this game for more than 30 days.

* I am currently working as the one of the Deputies in Human Services Department

* I am interested in Politics and Media.

* I like to have as much as friends in here. So send me a friend request if you are not in my friends list.

What will I do if I become a Congressman
* Work for the good of the nation and its citizens.

* Will work with the guidance of my friends, seniors and juniors

* I will try my best to work for my party for trusting me and to satisfy all the members who support me.

* Will discuss with everyone on laws, proposals, etc and will support them by sharing them my views.

* And most important, will be as much as active I can.

* As a member of Congress for the first time, I will learn the duties and the roles of a Congressman Completely and will train myself for future Congress.

* Will work with everyone to help out in ATO measures and to rip off PTO completely from eUSA.

As I have said, I am very much interested on seeing myself as a Politician and a Media Person. So for a successful Political Life in here, I consider becoming the Congressman as the one of the most important step. So for this I need support and guidance from as many members as possible.

So guys get ready to VOTE and that too for me o7. The Vote which you can trust on.

(Subash Cholan)
Cholan Giornale.