[WTP] ATO call ::: BIH/ENG

Day 2,316, 10:11 Published in USA Turkey by BIHkontinent


Prije 5 dana na dan 2311 sam napisao svoju kandidaturu za kongresne izbore ispred We The People stranke.U članku su nabrojane sve moje funkcije i moje namjere.
U stranku sam došao na poziv Valiant Thor-a i s obzirom na njegovo RL hrvatsko porijeklo sve mi se činilo idealnim.
Kakve su njegove namjere, da li u njima ima zlobe ili nečeg drugog, ja ne zelim da sudim, ali mi kao zajednica moramo uraditi ono što se od nas zahtjeva.

Ali evo da se zna:

Kako stvari stoje predsjednik ove stranke je na listu za kongres stavio srpske igrače i zaobišao stranačke i drzavne procedure.Ovaj čin je okarakterisan kao PTO.
Znam da je dosta članaka napisano na ovu temu, ali nikad ne može biti previše članaka kada su ove stvari u pitanju, pa makar efekat istog bio 1 glas ili jedan prelazak u odgovarajucu stranku.
U svojoj kandidaturi sam naveo da ću raditi u ATO operacijama i evo danas se iskazala potreba za tim.
U skladu sa gore navedenim, ja sam informisao eBIH građane koji se nalaze u SAD-u da poslusaju naredbe.Takodjer sam stupio u kontakt sa ljudima iz Albanske vlade koje poznajem iz vremena dok sam bio CP.Oni su takodjer obećali da ce pomoći u ATO operaciji preko svoje stranke u SAD-u i da ce raditi u skladu sa naredbama odsjeka za domovinsku sigurnost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država na čelu sa IndexInfinity.

Ovim putem pozivam sve gradjane SAD-a, one autohtone kao i one koji su imigrirali u SAD, a posebno one koji dolaze iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Albanije i Hrvatske da se pridruze ATO operaciji.

Naredbe su sljedeće:

1.Svi članovi We The People stranke treba da napuste stranku i da pređu u The Black Sheep Party.
Svi koji predju biće nagrađeni sa 10 q7 od strane odjela za domovisku sigurnost SAD-a. (obratiti se IndexInfinity).

2.NE GLASATI za We The People stranku, glasati za bilo koju drugu stranku u top 5.


Five days ago on the day 2311 according to eRepublik time I wrote my article as candidate for congres elections in front of WTP.In that article i listed all funcions that i performe in eBIH.

I came in this party on call of Valinat Thor, and considering his RL croatian ancestry it sounds perfect.

What are his intentions and are they evil or something else, i dont want to judge, but we as community must do everything what has been expected from us.

For everyone to know:

President of this party put on congres list serbian players and bypassed party and country procedures.This act has been marked as PTO.
I know that many articles on this subject have been written, but it cant be enough when threats like these are happening, even if that has effect of one vote or changing party by only one player.
In my article i mentioned that I want to be part of ATO operations, and the day for that has come.
In accordance with the text above I have informed eBIH citizens in USA and I told them to folow USA orders in this operation.
Also i contacted Albanian goverment which memebers i know from the time when i was CP.Their response was positive and they promised to help in ATO operations throught their party in USA.They will also follow directions from US department of homeland security led by url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8060246]IndexInfinity[/url].

I am using this oppotunity to call all citizens of USA both native and immigrants, especially those from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Albania to join ATO operations.


1. All WTP members should leave party as soon as possible and move to The Black Sheep Party.Everyone will be rewarded with 10 q7 by US departmene of homeland security (contact IndexInfinity).

2. DO NOT vote for WTP, vote for any other party in top 5.

I am sorry for my bad english, but i hope you understand my message